With the KML downloads, it is easy to open the files in a mapping mobile app such as Organic Maps https://organicmaps.app/ to help with the navigation. The option "optimized for organic map" ensures that markers are compatible with the app markers.
With the traveling birder in mind, I have now added a functionality in MyAvibase to allow downloading eBird Hotspots as KML files. https://avibase.bsc-eoc.org/myavb_reports.jsp?rpt=7. The markers are color-coded based on the target number of species observed at each site,
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Found: Mysterious songbird rediscovered in Madagascar after eluding scientists for 24 years https://www.birdlife.org/news/2023/03/01/found-mysterious-songbird-rediscovered-in-madagascar-after-eluding-scientists-for-24-years/
Ecosystem collapse ‘inevitable’ unless wildlife losses reversed https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/feb/24/ecosystem-collapse-wildlife-losses-permian-triassic-mass-extinction-study
Avibase #BirdoftheDay is the intriguing Malleefowl from Australia, a vulnerable bird that lay its eggs in a nesting mound and do not tend for their young after hatching https://avibase.bsc-eoc.org/species.jsp?avibaseid=BE7FA4651093E668 (photo: Dave Curtis https://flickr.com/photos/43886809@N03/23983008836)