Thilo Buchholz


Spent the past year studying 🇪🇺 Politics. Most recently 🇧🇪 Brussels-based and a full-time volunteer in a social charity.

Passionate about
- empowering youth participation
- advancing European democracy
- achieving world peace and saving the planet

I also feel at home in , , and the Green Youth movement. You might also find me with the of B'90/Grüne :)

Please use CWs.

if you have any questions left - read my blog or ask!

thilosophus shared a status by pinkprius
pinkprius [en]

Duck duck stay at home

March 25, 2020
thilosophus shared a status by hyperjinx
Ralph Caspers

Entweder ich bin total doof oder dieses elektronische IQ-Messgerät ist kaputt.

March 24, 2020
Thilo Buchholz

@ehmry If I think about how many refugees can only survive or stay in touch with their relatives and receive any kind of information of any sorts because of their phones, the last sentence sounds wrong to me and I don't think it's globally applicable.

People face different situations and may simply need their phones because they don't have any sufficient alternatives. Yet I can agree with your notion that less dependency on phones can be helpful in certain cases.

March 24, 2020
Thilo Buchholz
covid19 shitpost, wise guys

"nur für dich Harry Potter durchgelesen, nur für dich jeden Tag das Klo geputzt" - war DIESES LIED an das CORONAVIRUS gedichtet?!?????!?!?!?!?! neuer bento+ artikel 🤔 🤔 🤔

March 23, 2020
thilosophus shared a status by hyperjinx
Ralph Caspers

Was machen, wenn man jetzt Geburtstag hat und alle Partys ausfallen? und ich hätten da einen Vorschlag.

March 23, 2020
thilosophus shared a status by kaerF

Die ungarische Regierungspartei ist immer noch Mitgliedspartei der Im Europäischen Parlament rechtfertigen mittlerweile Mitglieder das Vorgehen damit, dass die "kleinlichen politischen Kämpfen" in so einer Notsituation nur Energieverschwendung wären.

March 23, 2020
thilosophus shared a status by epicenter_works

Unweit von uns nutzt ein autoritärer Staat die aktuelle Lage gerade aus. Das ist das absolute worst case Szenario. Deshalb sind wir so erpicht darauf, gerade jetzt auf unsere Grundrechte zu achten!

March 23, 2020
thilosophus shared a status by ndyaktiv
ndy 🖤

Isoliert und trotzdem da - viruzide Antifa

March 23, 2020
Thilo Buchholz

@DC7IA Fairphone 3 ( but doesn't have the LineageOS port yet afaik but will soon support /e/ , Shift5me (, or something 2nd hand/refurbished? ( or other places). Fairphone 2 also supports lots of different os alternatives and fulfills all your conditions, and there's often somebody selling them in the forum:

other than that there's the Librem 5 ( but that doesn't have many features yet

March 23, 2020