Thilo Buchholz
June 19, 2020
thilosophus shared a status by yarmo
Yarmo 🕊

No to .io, yes to .xyz

Post targeted at all the developers out there. Choose your wisely.

June 18, 2020
Thilo Buchholz Jesus, just let me write my points one by one, I only have 500 characters per toot. Calm down. Thank you.

June 06, 2020
Thilo Buchholz Thank you! Now you're actually presenting me with arguments that I can disagree with instead of generalist assumptions. It took you a few toots.

1) Thank you for explaining my history to me and attacking me personally. I really needed that and it really helped the civility of the discussion. Despite his methods, Hitler got into power by popular support, and you cannot deny that unless you suddenly had proof that all election ballots were rigged.

June 06, 2020
Thilo Buchholz *sigh*
1) The Nazi party was elected democratically. People very much wanted Hitler to take power. And he did.
2) If who had guns who could have protected themselves against whom? This statement is too general to make for any proper argument.
3) Now you're just using random facts ("America never got invaded") to back up your claim that that is because of loose gun policies? Please present me with a coherent, logically valid argument or stop trolling, thank you. :)

June 06, 2020
Thilo Buchholz Whom are you referring to as "You"? I think you're mixing up an entire continent where you need to first differentiate in excruciating detail before making hypothetical statements about what would have happened if the entire continent was not only armed to the teeth with its militaries but also with its citizens on an individual level.

America not being invaded because citizens were individually armed made me laugh, thank you for that comedic relief :)

June 06, 2020
Thilo Buchholz (cc
Thank you, my opinion exactly. While my ancestors didn't sign a form permitting me to speak for them, I think that having guns would have prevented neither of them to get murdered by a fascist state system that enjoyed popular support.

School shootings and mass shootings that seem to be monthly occurances in the US are an extreme atrocity here that luckily doesn't form part of our daily lives. And is a direct consequence of different gun policies. So thank you, no.

June 06, 2020
thilosophus shared a status by Cheatha

Leute, gebt NIEMALS IRGENDWEM eure Account, dem ihr nicht zu 100% vertraut! Ihr gebt ebenso eure DMs weiter, ihr habt keine Garantie ihn zurückzubekommen, man kann API-Keys erstellen und später noch Unfug treiben und offenbart eure Mailadresse, Kontakte und Listen.

Unglaublich, dass man das extra erwähnen muss.

June 05, 2020
Thilo Buchholz @kino Reading toots like these feels very, very absurd. I think you should never have to rely on the possession of weapons in your life. (I'm a person who lived in Europe their entire life).

June 05, 2020
thilosophus shared a status by mikka
Mikka Luster

Hallo, Gemeinde,

ich bin leider, aus mehreren Gründen (ich arbeite, wie ja einige wissen, in der COVID-19 Response), nicht mehr in der Lage, den Server weiterzuführen.

Wenn sich jemand findet, der ab sofort übernehmen will (Datenbank + Domain), dann wäre das prima. Sonst müsste ich leider das Experiment "bayerischer Server" beenden.

June 03, 2020
Thilo Buchholz Thanks for linking that! Taught me something. and was entertaining.

June 03, 2020
Thilo Buchholz

Pictures from yesterday's protest in :

(Further pictures linked in the FB event:

Local News report:

Physically distanced, socially united. ✊

June 02, 2020