Thilo Buchholz


Spent the past year studying 🇪🇺 Politics. Most recently 🇧🇪 Brussels-based and a full-time volunteer in a social charity.

Passionate about
- empowering youth participation
- advancing European democracy
- achieving world peace and saving the planet

I also feel at home in , , and the Green Youth movement. You might also find me with the of B'90/Grüne :)

Please use CWs.

if you have any questions left - read my blog or ask!

Thilo Buchholz

:boost_ok: It's time to - but how do you explain your friends & family in short and simple terms what the alternatives are besides running to Telegram or Signal? 🤔

In light of the absence of good summaries I've written an introduction to this much debated topic - hope you find it useful! Please share it if you want to 😊


Gemini: gemini://

February 07, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

That went faster than expected! After one weekend of learning and being curious about this new protocol, I just published my first entry and it felt really cool! 😊

It feels kind of like what I always desired since I first got into the whole confusing world of HTML, CSS, JS etc. and realised how complicated web design actually is.

Feedback very welcome! ☺️

You can find it here: gemini://

🌐 :

February 07, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by danslerush
DansLeRuSH ᴱᶰ

« I have never used , and never will. Despite this, I still feel the need to write an article about WhatsApp since it’s the perfect case study to help understand a class of businesses models I call . The domestication of users is high on my list of problems plaguing the human race, and is worth a detailed explanation. » by @Seirdy

> gemini://

February 04, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

Twitter & Clubhouse
Fediverse & Gemini

same energy

February 06, 2021
Thilo Buchholz Given how you seem to despise groups of people you might want to revisit your Rule of Engagement 2. Your tone is not a respectful one.

February 06, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

Good morning, enjoy your weekend! 😊

February 06, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by metaphil
me·ta·phil, der

„Recable: Ein nachhaltig produziertes USB-Kabel“

Dass das nach , und die einzige Neuerung auf dem Markt für in den letzten fünf Jahren ist, zeigt leider, wie wenig Bewusstsein bei Verbraucher:innen und Hersteller:innen vorhanden ist 😖

February 05, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by fragdenstaat

Wir freuen uns schon *sehr* auf morgen!

Freitag ab 20 Uhr die im @zdfmagazin und auf
Schaltet ein!

February 04, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

Do you know of any good graphics/short clips that I can share with friends explaining XMPP and/or Matrix succintly?

I've been searching around the internet and couldn't really find anything that would explain their advantages vs. WhatsApp (so easy and quick that they would be obvious to anyone). Any material appreciated! :)

February 04, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by rysiek
Rysiekúr (old account)

This is a super interesting tool for organizing groups of people over :

(yes, the website is horrendous)

Enables broadcast or hotline service via Signal. This is different from regular Signal groups in important ways:
- broadcast: only the admins can send messages, which are sent to all users
- hotline: messages are only sent between a user and the admins who respond; nobody else gets them.

You can set-up your own:

February 04, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by moagee

Ich veröffentliche hier nachher für .
Hatte Langeweile. 😅😉
Es war sehr, sagen wir mal, meditativ!
Wer noch ein Bild verewigt haben möchte, ich sammel nur noch heute.
Hab bereits vorhandene gesammelt und angepasst. Inkl. politische Poster und Flyer der Initiativen die hier im Fediverse sind. Hab immerhin 200 Slots zu füllen ;)

February 04, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

who would've guessed - (it's good that there's been research on it though)

February 03, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

On sustainable transport and mobility 🚲 🚋 🚌 🚗 🚢 in Europe - check out the European Mobility Atlas launched today, it's really cool! :)

February 03, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by sybren
dr. Sybren
January 25, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

@keks Hey there - welcome! :)

February 03, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

Two interesting events within the realm of EU politics today!

👣 Launch of the European Mobility Atlas 2021:

🗣️ Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe:

February 03, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

(via @Grady_Booch on Twitter)

February 03, 2021