Thilo Buchholz


Spent the past year studying 🇪🇺 Politics. Most recently 🇧🇪 Brussels-based and a full-time volunteer in a social charity.

Passionate about
- empowering youth participation
- advancing European democracy
- achieving world peace and saving the planet

I also feel at home in , , and the Green Youth movement. You might also find me with the of B'90/Grüne :)

Please use CWs.

if you have any questions left - read my blog or ask!

Thilo Buchholz

@parasurv "Oh help people are trying to prevent bad stuff from happening, let's slander them".

Just as it's perfectly justifiable to lend my car out freely to all others, except to those who want to use it to kill cyclists, it's perfectly justifiable for coders to license their code freely to all others, except those who want to use it to do harm.

When you get offended by that and try so hard at vilifying others, maybe the problem is you. No one forces you to adopt their license.

February 11, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by IsAutonomous
Michael Salbeck

Welche spannenden Accounts gibt es auf im Mastodon Netzwerk?
Ich interessiere mich für:

IT-Security, Digitalisierung,
CCC, Nerds,
elektronische Kunst
und Karlsruhe.

February 10, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by jakob
Ich weiß jetzt nicht mehr, wer mich auf #Snikket hingewiesen hat....

Jedenfalls Danke dafür. Das Ding ist ja echt genial!

Basierend auf #prosody und #conversation hat man so in wenigen Minuten eine super konfigurierten XMPP-Server incl. App am Android und kann in der Welt von #XMPP inclusive Telefonie und Videotelefonie teilnehmen.
February 10, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by cypnk

"...It's very easy to set up and maintain an instance..."

A thing unironically said

My god techies can be so hopeless sometimes. If anyone's struggled to get their friends and family through the most mundane of tasks, they understand immediately why Facebook is still so popular. It's not just because of network effects. You literally only need to know how to type your name, email, and phone

Tech savviness is a barrier to communication as it is. Let's not add more on top

February 10, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

I can agree so much with the inconsistencies and barriers analysed in @dgold's critique - I've hosted my own website for several years now, but seriously still can't tell whether tech nerds would say I qualify to be part of the IndieWeb or not 🙃

In 2021, IndieWeb is finally over. It will disintegrate, though we will find some of it's modules, principles, and ideals among new technologies and tools. Keeping an eye on ♊, 📓, 📠...

February 09, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

@dgold works on my client (regular Mastodon web interface) :)

February 09, 2021
thilosophus shared a status by snikket_im

New blog post: "Products vs Protocols: What Signal got right"

This extended version of's recent talk explores the thinking behind Snikket, and what and protocols can learn from 's success.

February 09, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

@matt Super nicely written, thank you! If friends of mine ever will join Matrix, I'll make sure to send this to them 😊

February 09, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

The Online Conference Has Been Liberated: has shown the enormous scalability of . Impressive! Read by

February 08, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

Zu Mines "Unfall" WhatsApp löschen - C'est fini ✅ ✨

February 08, 2021
Thilo Buchholz

@solene Thank you! 😊

February 07, 2021