Ethan Gates

Software preservation. Moving image archivist/technician. Soviet Cinema enthusiast. Passionate about movies, crosswords, audiovisual cables. He/him.

Ethan Gates

Software in science is ubiquitous yet overlooked |

July 02, 2024
Ethan Gates

🎉 🎉 🎉

June 17, 2024
Ethan Gates

DAMS/repository-type folks: what's your preferred, relatively accessible (say: for non-archivist staff) term for a born-digital object that's done being worked *on* but not necessarily done being worked *with*? "Preservation copy"?

(OAIS vocab not acceptable!)

May 22, 2024
Ethan Gates

12-year old Ethan reading IGN just to find out when Advance Wars 2 was going to come out or w/e is having a very surreal time even being tangentially involved in this particular news cycle

Why Piracy Fears are Keeping Some Researchers from Accessing the Games They Need - IGN

May 18, 2024