Ethan Gates

Software preservation. Moving image archivist/technician. Soviet Cinema enthusiast. Passionate about movies, crosswords, audiovisual cables. He/him.

Ethan Gates

@ashley I completely forgot about that Twitter exchange!!! This is an awesome and thoughtful post as always, Ashley, and I can't wait to test this, I've got a dual-boot Ubuntu/Windows laptop at work now and a regular need to shuttle things to/from a Samba share from either OS....

You and @bitsgalore's "imgr" tool family have got me all inspired to work on my own GUI ideas...

June 30, 2019
Ethan Gates

@ashley yes!!!! I recall trying out a few front-ends and never really loving any of them, will be happy to test

I have also been wanting to learn how to do this to make a lightweight QEMU launcher, so I want to hear about what tools you're using...

June 23, 2019
Ethan Gates

Any vintage computing and/or emulator enthusiasts out there who have favorite hobbyist sites or resources? I realized this was a crucial missing piece in my emulation-resources repo:

June 21, 2019
Ethan Gates

new slide for when people ask us if the legacy operating systems in EaaSI are "secure"

June 21, 2019
Ethan Gates

iPRES program is out!

Can't wait for my favorite pre-conference activity, which is planning when to take a break (not going to be easy since our hackathon got accepted!!)

June 17, 2019
Ethan Gates

@ashley aaaaahhhhh no one told me these things before I made the travel request 😭😭😭

June 14, 2019
Ethan Gates

@ashley eeee I hope so too but I'm actually not hanging around for most of the conference! pretty much going for the workshop.

maybe drinks that evening??

June 14, 2019
Ethan Gates

side note: has the "Delete and redraft" feature always been part of Mastodon or was that part of the recent update? because CLUTCH

June 14, 2019
Ethan Gates


Any colleagues going to Texas in August for , please join the EaaSI and FCoP teams for this FREE day-long workshop on preserving software and implementing emulation access services

Come hang and catalog some software!!! (really)

June 14, 2019
Ethan Gates

@sabrams @ashley

June 07, 2019
Ethan Gates

@andrewjbtw I think you're right, and I think it's one of our long-term goals to investigate routing source repository requests from emulated environments to Software Heritage (or a similar source archive/mirror) rather than their originally-intended repos, for stability and security

in the meantime, being able to temporarily connect an Ubuntu 8.04 environment to the net and just apt-get install a dependency b/c hoary/universe is still saving me a lot of time

June 07, 2019
Ethan Gates

I know it's now like part of my job to figure out what happens when this is no longer the case, but thank christ Ubuntu has kept all its old-release source repositories up and running

June 06, 2019
The_BFOOL shared a status by misty

I’ve seen people express concern that Apple’s Ruby announcement will affect Homebrew. Don’t worry - we’ve been shipping our own Ruby where needed for a few years now. We’re in a good position to adapt, and we’ll be ready long before the change actually happens.

June 04, 2019
Ethan Gates
June 03, 2019
Ethan Gates

I know HBO is probably preserving the literal assets and all but who is preserving *the spirit* of HBO's desperate attempts to maintain subscriptions after the GoT finale

I just want to catch up with Barry, please chill out with the four trailers for your lineup before every episode, my dudes

June 02, 2019
The_BFOOL shared a status by wilkie
wilkie (quilt appreciator)

I wrote a personal essay on federated social web meets the rogue archivists, the nuance and power of forgetting, and building social software around consent and archival resistance.

May 29, 2019