Ethan Gates

Software preservation. Moving image archivist/technician. Soviet Cinema enthusiast. Passionate about movies, crosswords, audiovisual cables. He/him.

Ethan Gates

Best part about using Linux almost all the time but keeping a Windows partition for occasional use is that baked in to that "occasional" is an extra 30 minutes minimum of running updates

May 13, 2020
Ethan Gates

@ashley yeah...since both my day job and hobbies involve staring at screens I have had real trouble trying ebooks on my phone too

(But thanks to @vickysteeves's recommendation my reMarkable 2 tablet pre-order is in so I can't wait for that to maybe change in August!!!)

May 12, 2020
Ethan Gates

Running out of things in my "to read" pile, can't/really shouldn't order any new books before moving, getting dangerously close to Carrie's college copy of Moby Dick, what do I do

May 12, 2020
Ethan Gates

Hooray! I am not in the pilot program but very intrigued to see what DPC's learning modules look like come May

(I do wish they would address the name change publicly somehow, assuming it was for the reason I think it was...but perhaps in the "lessons learned" report mentioned here)

April 01, 2020
Ethan Gates

My Hello Void pin serving as guiding philosophy this Friday, every Friday, every day forever

March 27, 2020
Ethan Gates

Going to go live on Twitch installing software for a bit. Troubleshooting emulation is weirdly soothing right now. Tune in if you're curious.

March 20, 2020
Ethan Gates

Is there a open source alternative to Twitch livestream hosting? Like can you connect OBS to self-hosted PeerTube or something? Does that get you live chat features?

I want to do some more emulation streams during this time of everyone doing WFH, but also am trying to divest from Amazon this year and also I have access to a Yale spinup service so I'm ready to go nuts

March 16, 2020
Ethan Gates

Struggling to keep my "maturity model" jokes/snark to myself here at

February 18, 2020
Ethan Gates

Hi! I write docs. I like to try different platforms/tools for writing those docs to see what works best. I also like to preview them locally before I push them online.

What I'm saying is, my terminal is a f***ed hellscape of virtual envs and hidden config folders. Please help.

December 11, 2019
Ethan Gates
twitter link

LOLOLOLing at Jack Dorsey's "twitter is going to create an open decentralized standard for social media" announcement

"up to five" architects and engineers WOW SO GENEROUS AND SUSTAINABLE dear god

December 11, 2019
Ethan Gates

Now on to: "A People's History of Computing in the United States" by Joy Lisi Rankin

December 10, 2019
Ethan Gates

On this dreary Monday morning, please enjoy My First Browser Extension, now available for Firefox Add-ons (Chrome review pending)

This is an early Christmas gift built on request, but let it be a beacon for everyone struggling with self-doubt

(Also I will post the code shortly, when able, but I don't want to ruin the surprise and I promise there is literally no JavaScript included)

December 09, 2019
Ethan Gates

One for the digipres book club: anyone read this one? I'm enjoying (well, "enjoying", it's good is the point)

December 06, 2019
Ethan Gates

Help for an XML novice: I have a set of individual XML files/records. I want to extract the value of two or three elements in each record and export those to, e.g. a CSV.

Can I do this with XPath?

November 11, 2019
Ethan Gates

Happy World Digital Preservation Day, club!

November 07, 2019
Ethan Gates

Taking a Friday afternoon campus-wide server outage as an opportunity to catch up on reading: NDSA Levels of Preservation 2.0, DLF's Levels of Born-Digital Access, NARA's file format preservation plans.....quite the month!

November 01, 2019