Ethan Gates

Software preservation. Moving image archivist/technician. Soviet Cinema enthusiast. Passionate about movies, crosswords, audiovisual cables. He/him.

Ethan Gates

The thought just occurred to me that I should probably update the Cable Bible for USB 3.2, 4.0, and Thunderbolt 4, but since there's been no changes to the connectors at all I'm considering just listing them with a caption that says "you're on your own"

April 07, 2021
Ethan Gates

NYU Web Publishing blocked public access to Savannah Campbell's old student blog (i mean I get locking her out from the admin controls after graduating, I guess, but lolwut?) so I worked with her and Ben Turkus to get the content back and up on The Patch Bay. Some really nice posts about video deck repair and maintenance!

First one here, links through to the other two:

April 06, 2021
Ethan Gates

All the fuss over the Space Jam website over the weekend but do people realize that much of Universal's promotional site for The Lost World: Jurassic Park is still up?

April 06, 2021
Ethan Gates

throwing $$$ at the legal fees to establish a flexible and generally favorable Fair Use copyright landscape is the best thing Google ever did, and I look forward to using it against them

April 05, 2021
Ethan Gates

There are the usual digital archivist job posting things that give me pause here, but my wife works for Five Colleges Inc and pretty closely with this unit, and says Smith is up to some exciting stuff (and is/has been hiring other staff and diverting resources to make sure this person is supported). Happy to put in touch for any inside-baseball questions if anyone's interested:


Come join me in the Valley 🥳

April 01, 2021
Ethan Gates
birdsite link, working group recruitment

ugh, I really don't need another volunteer committee/working group commitment in my life, but I'm really stoked BitCurator Consortium is putting this together:

I bet some super cool stuff can happen with the BitCurator distro just with a few people clearly defined to guide and pull in changes! maybe other folks here have capacity (hah)

March 31, 2021
Ethan Gates

@sam @VickyRampin did a guest lecture recently and realized outside of any visuals that I directly discuss/point to, all my "good" slides are actually just speaker notes for myself anyway? gonna chop a ton out next time, pretty sure most students only want them for links to further/associated resources if at all

March 31, 2021
Ethan Gates

This is a new one

March 30, 2021
Ethan Gates

This was a hard one! The latest EaaSI training module (attempts) to explain Emulation-as-a-Service as a platform/software stack, and some of the key pieces and tweaks the EaaSI program has made to it


March 30, 2021
Ethan Gates

@ashley MediaPie? I dunno, I'm running on empty lately too

March 30, 2021
Ethan Gates

TIL Firefox doesn't actually support in-browser MKV playback, it has to be WebM?

March 26, 2021