Ethan Gates

Software preservation. Moving image archivist/technician. Soviet Cinema enthusiast. Passionate about movies, crosswords, audiovisual cables. He/him.

Ethan Gates

I've been a pretty loyal PocketCasts user for years, but they don't explicitly support private RSS feeds (e.g. from Patreon) and it's been tripping up and not showing episodes from those feeds more and more of late.

Anyone have a favorite Android podcatcher alternative? The things I have liked most about PocketCasts:
- ability to download and add an episode to listening queue in one swipe
- plays nice with Bluetooth connection in the car
- sleep timer, obvi

December 07, 2021
Ethan Gates

New EaaSI training module!



December 01, 2021
Ethan Gates

Happy World Digital Preservation Day, digipres club!!!

November 04, 2021
Ethan Gates

@andrewjbtw indeed, I almost think that's the bigger win than the adjusted language in the exemption itself. we may never get *clarity* from the Copyright Office on many of our specific workflow questions - but the point is, no one's even fighting these use cases anymore, which makes it extremely unlikely that any of the weird and arbitrary limits in there will even be enforced

October 27, 2021
Ethan Gates

My take on the new, expanded DMCA exemption for software preservation is that, while still kind of nonsensical and written by someone without a clear understanding of the issues, the removal of the "on-premises" language means that the vagueness now works entirely in practitioners' and researchers' favor and I hope GLAM admins and counsel allow us to interpret it as such

October 27, 2021
Ethan Gates

It's been a tough month, such that I haven't had a chance to properly hype: I've been published!!!

The Handbook of Archival Practice is a new and really neat encyclopedic snapshot of current activities around preserving both analog and digital materials. There's a great balance of traditional and emerging concerns, and I was kindly invited to contribute the entry on "Emulation"!

October 22, 2021