mir's old account

@notthatdelta I want one... But I really shouldn't... Oh no.

April 28, 2023
mir's old account

"Trying to tell someone about your conversation with is like trying to explain that dream you had. It doesn't make any sense to anyone else."

- someone.

(if you know, please tell me, I forgot where I heard this.)

April 25, 2023
mir's old account

@daviwil does look comfy! Good night

April 24, 2023
mir's old account

When did I post this poll (in your local time)?

Curious for reasons. It's late afternoon for me.

April 24, 2023
mir's old account

I watched a several hour breakdown of all the problems with this movie on YouTube. And yet, I remember enjoying the movie itself. Overall I suppose that averages out to a hard Meh.

April 24, 2023
mir's old account

I've never quite grokked . Today I'll my process of learning it.


April 23, 2023
mir's old account

I feel like I'm in a time loop.

4 years ago, when I first got into Linux, I saw that " on Linux kernel with nothing else" post. I swear it's been posted at least once a year since.

Yet in the past few days it's blown up once again, as if nobody's ever heard of it an the idea was only ever a joke.

April 23, 2023
mir's old account

@wiersdorf why do people still say `:q` when ZZ is so much cooler? or ZQ to exit without saving. Come on.

April 23, 2023
mir's old account

Recently installed and haven't wanted to bother compiling xorg. Thus am stuck in tty.

runs mostly fine except muh colors and icons are broken

April 22, 2023
mir's old account

@techflails based.

I've found that switching between evil and meow-with-hjkl is needlessly confusing, but I'm too addicted to remap then.

April 21, 2023
mir's old account
#DoomEmacs hot take

Doom is not better than vanilla, for new users.

Sooner or later (even assuming nothing breaks), you'll want to do something that doesn't have a "doom way". In my case as a noob I added the setting, but it would get clobbered by something else getting lazy loaded.

The further away we get from core, the more places for bugs. If you can deal with those, fine. My configuration is almost 2000 lines and something's always broken, but I just fix it or live with the jank.

But new Emacs users - especially refugees from non-extensible platforms - have nowhere near enough experience to work out these problems. Let alone navigate multiple layers of arcane or archaic documentation about something that, in the editor they're used to, would just werk.

So who _should_ use Doom ? Experienced users who've reached bankruptcy and are willing to maintain (as in, troubleshoot) code that isn't theirs.
And also, occasionally,
People who want only the base functions packaged with Doom, who intend to avoid elisp at all costs.

April 21, 2023
mir's old account

@techflails meow is... Certainly something.

April 20, 2023