Termeh Shafie

statistician and network scientist
#statistics #networkscience #rstats #momademia

termehs shared a status by schochastics
David Schoch

Took me way too long in my career to add such a paragraph to a paper. Y'all should cite the software you use!


#rstats #OpenScience

December 07, 2023
Termeh Shafie

@rmflight Thank you and sorry it’s not what you hoped but if you check my right footer, I do have them there too so thinking it should be similar to put them in navbar via the yaml (gonna get back to you if I try it later and get it working). Otherwise check out David’s reply, maybe that helps 🤷🏻‍♀️

November 30, 2022
Termeh Shafie

@rmflight Hi Robert, I used the same extension and it works just fine on my quarto website. I have the codes on my GitHub if you wanna have a look 🙂

November 30, 2022
Termeh Shafie

@staalmannen thanks for the tip, it’s indeed important to have one’s priorities straight 😅 also, cool server name☝️

November 19, 2022
Termeh Shafie

Here’s a toot of gratitude to @emitanaka for sharing her #quarto website codes which helped me embed and link to (non-quarto rendered) html slide decks on my page. I can finally get rid of those horrid pdf conversions destroying all animated features 🎺🙌😌

November 18, 2022
Termeh Shafie

@carwyn Hubby is on Fosstodon and I'm extremely jealous of his emoji supply... but unfortunately I have to cool it with them moves as I just recently came over here from mastodon.social 🙈

November 15, 2022
Termeh Shafie

@carwyn 😅 You can compare the emoji supply across different servers here https://emojos.in/

November 15, 2022
Termeh Shafie

Is the fact that there are no custom #emojis available on #Fediscience a valid reason to move to another instance? Asking for a friend 🫠

November 15, 2022
Termeh Shafie

@stragu Thank you, very glad to be here 👋☺️

November 11, 2022
Termeh Shafie

@michelnivard I'm a beginner to #QuartoPub, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I really love that it gives you a huge flexibility and ease when it comes to rendering and exporting different output formats (enabled by https://pandoc.org/). I also moved my personal website to Quarto cause it just looks aesthetically amazing! My main con would be that it's so fresh you can't simply google things when you get stuck and have to do some serious hair pulling to figure things out sometimes 😅

November 10, 2022
Termeh Shafie

My most recent talk (and the first in-person one since 2019) took place last week @ Centre Marc Bloch where I presented a framework for using multigraph representations to analyze social networks. For anyone interested, the presentation slides are now up on my personal webpage 🤓http://mrs.schochastics.net/talks/cmb2022/

November 08, 2022
Termeh Shafie

@yyarmar I'm actually co-writing a paper now with @schochastics on the association between various topological features and centrality indices. We should have a preprint ready in the next couple of weeks. Will keep you posted 🙂

November 08, 2022
Termeh Shafie

@beatrice very true and thank you 😍

November 08, 2022
Termeh Shafie

Hello fellow tooters 👋, here’s my #introduction.

I’m a statistician working on methods and models for analyzing social networks. I’m also the developer and maintainer of two #rstats packages on that topic (‘netropy’ and ‘multigraphr’). My interdiscplinary collaborations are primarily within branches of #ComputationalSocialScience and #DigitalHumanities.

Here for scientific exchange, LOLs and community capacity building. Any cat related content is a welcomed bonus 🐈

November 07, 2022