
@dave - regarding, set docker to use the system journal for logging and let the normal controls for the journal keep things in check. I’m happy to help implement that. Let’s also get system level monitoring in place to catch it before things go south.

January 25, 2025

Hey everyone, the very first release of #OpenVox has been released! It’s a drop in replacement for #Puppet and is ready for initial evaluation. Here’s a link to the blog post with more details via #HackerNews in hopes you’ll help vote it is so that even more people know what #VoxPupuli has accomplished 😁

[ #OpenSource #ConfigurationManagement #ConfigMgmt ]

January 22, 2025

Oh. My. Goodness… I have wasted so much time over the last two days, and some additional time on a previous project, because of what I now know to be a failed USB enclosure for a m.2 NVMe drive! I never imagined that the enclosure itself was the failed partition 🤯

[ #RaspberryPi #HomeLab #SelfHosting #SelfHosted ]

January 21, 2025

I’m looking forward to trying out #RaspiBlitz tomorrow. Aside from being excited to finally getting around to running a full #Bitcoin node, I’m really interested to see how #AlbyHub works with #LND behind it. I’ve got a stock Alby Hub already, but not being able to get inbound channels is aggravating.

January 20, 2025

Ah, the joys of realizing you’ve been banging your head against a wall off and on for hours because the Micro SD card you’re trying to use for the OS of a #RaspberryPi is actual bad… woo hoo. At least a new set was available for overnight delivery from Amazon. Here’s hoping there aren’t any issues with the new set.

[ #Linux #OpenSource ]

January 20, 2025

@dave I’ve finally gotten around to setting up Prometheus monitoring and I was wondering if you’ve still interested in having me supplement my existing monitoring/alerting of the index with stuff that ties into Cloudflare? There appear to be good exporters for most of the services they provide so that you can know what’s happening behind the caching that UptimeKuma sees. The idea would be to catch issues before the cache expires. I’ll follow up with a couple of examples…

January 19, 2025