Sean McCune

Catholic. Software Developer. Nerd. Irritant.
"Resist we much..."

Sean McCune
December 10, 2020
Sean McCune

Christmas tree in the WI capitol denied? Because of COVID? WTF. They put one up anyway. Defy the government... a joyous holiday tradition!

December 09, 2020
Sean McCune

Comedian J. P. Sears leave Facebook after Facebook threatens to ban him for "violating community standards", the new euphemism for corporate censorship.

Their "standards" have made them not a community I want to be part of.

December 09, 2020
Sean McCune
November 26, 2020
Sean McCune

I just got a "Public Safety Alert" on my iPhone warning me about rising COVID rates in PA and hospitals filling up and that I should be staying home and masking up!

I have never found an alert setting in my phone and turned it off so fast. No more of that BS.

November 25, 2020
Sean McCune
November 23, 2020
Sean McCune
November 23, 2020
Sean McCune

These are hysterical, especially the one from Phillip Michaels: "This Senate hearing looks like the tale of a marooned lighthouse keeper and the robot butler he built to stave off loneliness."

November 21, 2020
Sean McCune
November 19, 2020
Sean McCune
November 18, 2020
Sean McCune

Today I received an online message in a health app from a doctor's office: "I apologize for the incontinence." Well... yes... I guess that does qualify as an __inconvenience__. 😏

November 17, 2020
Sean McCune

I recently observed that eventually the @ssholes would get around to deplatforming via web hosts and DNS hosts. Well, here it is. This is why my blogs are static sites generated by jekyll. Fast... and don't require anything but a webserver to serve... unlike Wordpress, which as a canceller of bad-think, should be be cancelled by all of us.

November 16, 2020
Sean McCune

"And I have it on good advice that Jeffrey Toobin was also going to be on the [COVID-19 advisory] committee, but they yanked him at the last minute."

November 16, 2020
Sean McCune

All that said, let us proceed with the assumption that fake Catholic, Joe Biden, does prevail. What can the Church expect? All the pro-life gains of the past three years will be eviscerated. The Little Sisters of the Poor, EWTN, and a host of other faith-based groups will be back in court, doing a rear-guard action to defend their religious liberty—and ours.

November 16, 2020