mkilby shared a status by quintessence
quintessence :blobfoxcofecute:

As the temperatures rise, remember to check the asphalt if you are walking dogs as the heat can damage their beans (paws)!

Air temps around 75ºF/24ºC mean that the asphalt can be around 125ºF/51ºC. This temperature can cause skin damage and burn their feet.

Test by putting your hand on the asphalt / road before going on walks!

July 06, 2024
mkilby shared a status by gdinwiddie
George Dinwiddie

Today, in the USA, we celebrate our independence from a monarchy. May we maintain such independence.

July 04, 2024
mkilby shared a status by chrismessina
Chris Messina

I don't care what anyone says. It's awesome to see fediverse replies appear on a Meta property.

Considering Threads isn't even a year old, this is enormous progress over anything Twitter ever did.

Jack claims that "Twitter should have been a protocol", but here we're seeing interop being achieved as we live in breathe.

June 27, 2024
mkilby shared a status by SmudgeTheInsultCat
Smudge The Insult Cat 🐀

Happy Caturday!

June 29, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@abbotofunreason pre-LAN parties?

June 06, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@thirstybear @plexus true that.

@elizayer yet another example of the heroic narrative and not admitting defeat. The danger of a centuries old narrative is when (not if) it will be misinterpreted

June 06, 2024
mkilby shared a status by 1password

We’re looking for Fall 2024 interns for roles across our Data, Engineering, and Product teams! 🔍 🚀

As a 1Password intern, you’ll get a chance to:

⭐ Work on features that directly impact users
⭐ Learn on the job while being mentored by a senior team member
⭐ Participate in study groups that foster collaboration
⭐ Gain hands-on experience from industry experts

All opportunities are fully paid, four-month terms! 🤝

Explore open roles and apply by June 14th:

June 05, 2024
mkilby shared a status by elizayer
Elizabeth Ayer

A major tell of organizational culture is what is considered a "successful" experiment:

Is an experiment successful when you get a clear result, no matter what that result is? Sign of a learning culture.

Is an experiment successful only when you get a result in the direction you wanted? Sign of not a learning culture.

June 05, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@elizayer thanks for sharing this. I look forward to reading the paper. The Hero with a Thousand Faces is woven deep in western culture. I still look forward to and support other forms of leadership

June 06, 2024
mkilby shared a status by elizayer
Elizabeth Ayer

I keep thinking about this paper from 2004.

The essential thesis is that empowering ("post-heroic") leadership is a gender-coded concept, and sexism will prevent its widespread adoption, despite demonstrable benefits.

20 years later, I really can't say she was wrong.

"The paradox of postheroic leadership: An essay on gender, power, and transformational change" by Joyce Fletcher

June 05, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@thirstybear @jbz not the only indicator the bubble will pop. It’s 1998 all over again

June 06, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

Before I enjoyed looking at people’s bookshelves to learn what is interesting to them. Now in online backgrounds, the bookshelf has become another billboard. Show your real bookshelf if you can.

June 05, 2024
mkilby shared a status by gdinwiddie
George Dinwiddie
June 04, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@gdinwiddie that’s a very geeky dad joke that I just tried on my wife. She didn’t get it at first. I’ll work on my delivery.

Thanks for the laugh

May 18, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

I was recently asked how new employees and professionals build connection in a organization. Here is my longer response

What has worked for you?

May 15, 2024
mkilby shared a status by A11yAwareness
Accessibility Awareness

When using Microsoft Word or Google Docs, don't just make text bigger and bolder to make it a heading. That will work for sighted users, but screen reader users will miss that and just hear it as normal paragraph text. Use actual heading styles, like level 1 through 6.

May 10, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@elizayer impressive

May 09, 2024
mkilby shared a status by simon
Simon Willison

A lot of community tech events are having trouble with sponsorship revenue this year, if you are a company with a marketing budget there are plenty of opportunities to help out in a big way right now

May 07, 2024
mkilby shared a status by SmudgeTheInsultCat
Smudge The Insult Cat 🐀
May 07, 2024