mkilby shared a status by SmudgeTheInsultCat
Smudge The Insult Cat 🐀
1 day ago
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@gdinwiddie did you resolve your issue with and Waze?

2 days ago
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@gdinwiddie I'm out of ideas. Sorry 💔

3 days ago
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@gdinwiddie any similar issues with other apps or is it just with Waze?

Any VPNs?

3 days ago
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@gdinwiddie@mastodon.socialtry shutting off background app refresh?

3 days ago
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@tightheadpop @gdinwiddie I have same Waze & iOS versions on iPhone 13 Pro and successfully navigated last night

3 days ago
mkilby shared a status by thirstybear
Chris Pitts

Cards on the table time. I don't like AI code generators one little bit.

5 days ago
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@caseynewton that was an awesome episode and thanks for the playlist

3 days ago
mkilby shared a status by exador23
Hippy Steve

I wish I knew more about this project in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
I suspect this is part of bus driver training.

I'm imagining the DMV making it a part of every driving test for your license. Some people learn best by experiencing the consequences of their actions from the victim's perspective.

April 18, 2024
mkilby shared a status by fight
Fight for the Future

Publishing profits are better than they were 10 years ago, all the time that Internet Archive has been doing its thing—loaning the books it owns.

And yet Big Publishing is pouring money into suing the Archive, saying that they’ve been economically devastated?

We don’t see it.

What publishing wins from the Archive, if they win (and they shouldn’t), is $$$ straight into the pockets of lawyers and lobbyists, not .

Ask us how we know?

We made a third chart.

April 18, 2024
mkilby shared a status by chetHendrickson
Chet Hendrickson

Someone posted on another platform that an AI tool tripled the loc their team produced, like it was a good thing.

April 18, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

Having been on both sides of the “firing spectrum”, I would say it's a fairly accurate indicator.

April 18, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@H2O @actuallyautistic That's awesome! Wishing you well with the new podcast.

April 18, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

Stop forcing me to use your shiny new chat function Zoom. I don't need it. I already have Slack, Discord, Messenger, WhatsApp. The only thing I need is how to shut off your chat outside of a meeting.

April 02, 2024
Mark Kilby (he/him)

@testobsessed been there, suffered that

April 02, 2024
mkilby shared a status by abitofzen
abitofzen ❄️ 🇺🇦

"You only lose what you cling to" - Gautama Buddha

April 01, 2024
mkilby shared a status by masukomi

For those of you considering starting something with Patreon, it's fully moved into late stage enshitification.

This poor creator was given $583 by their patrons, and Patreon took $109 of it in fees. 🤦‍♀️

Go use Ko-fi, they're still run by humans who actually care about creators and don't try and screw them at every opportunity. Also consider They're working hard to make an Open Source Patreon style platform w/ NO fees beyond simple hosting cost.

March 30, 2024
mkilby shared a status by huntertech
huntertech :clubtwit:

Did you grow up reading comics in the Sunday paper? Ever wonder how they were produced? The answer for me to both these questions was "Yes". Luckily I just came across a Kickstarter project that will help answer the how question and indulge my memory of comics.
"How Comics Were Made" is a great opportunity to back a book that frankly no one else will ever make. @glennf

March 26, 2024