@GrantMeStrength I can’t decide if I prefer my prior “always ;” or my current “maybe sometimes \ required, but somehow not every time you think it’s appropriate”.
To each their own…as long as I can keep my weirdness too.
1. Sonic CD
2. Sonic and Knuckles
3. Sonic Spinball
One of my favorite parts of ripping disk/disc images from old games, especially those that predate an expectation of being thrown into a PC, is what random defaults were out there.
For several Sega CD games, so many volume labels were just "MEGADRIVE_GAME_SPECIAL" (e.g., Ecco, Racing Aces, Eternal Champions; 35 discs in my collection alone). I assume it was a default from some common shared documentation everyone was following.
For King's Quest VII here, the volume label was just "VOLUME_ID".
Found some fun stuff at a local thrift store.
And the SC2 box included all the random goodies, as well as the original Kmart receipt.
Anyone else have fun shopping for CompactFlash cards last weekend?
What, just me?
I assume there’s a Kicad symbol for these…