Gianluca Baio 🛵

Ieri sera, per sbaglio, beccato un pezzo di un film der . Mi sento piu' giovane di 30 anni... 😀

December 18, 2022
gianlubaio shared a status by RAHstory

In the south of Burkina Faso lies a small village called Tiébélé. It's home to the Kassena people; one of the oldest ethnic groups that settled in the region in the 15th century.

Tiébélé is known for their amazing traditional Gurunsi architecture and elaborately decorated walls of their homes.

Dating back to the 16th century, wall decorating has always been a community project done by the women.

December 15, 2022
gianlubaio shared a status by pandoc

Three methods to add a to texts:

<!-- HTML comment; will show up in HTML output,
unless suppressed with `--strip-comments` -->

# YAML block with comment.
# Always removed.

``` {=comment}
Creative use of raw blocks.
Included in md output, dropped everywhere else.

December 17, 2022
gianlubaio shared a status by derekprior
Derek Prior

I've read many requests to add Mastodon links to GitHub profiles for verification and discovery purposes.

My team is working on allowing you to add a number of social profile links, but given upcoming holiday vacations, it won't ship until the new year. We don't want to rush something out at the potential cost of disrupting what is generally a quiet time for our engineers.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't talk about in progress work on social media, but y'all seem like you can keep a secret.

December 16, 2022
gianlubaio shared a status by m_clem
Michael Clemens

The Boston University School of Public Health is withdrawing from Twitter.

The dean’s thoughtful, nuanced explanation raises the question: Why are other institutions still there?

December 15, 2022
gianlubaio shared a status by djvanness
Dave Vanness

Deleted my account. Kind of mourning this. A lot of memories - met so many wonderful people. Did a lot of good raising awareness about attacks on public . Learned a lot from my colleagues. Hope to find community here.

December 18, 2022
gianlubaio shared a status by mcmc_stan

BridgeStan 1.0.0 released

- lets you define a model in Stan, compile it to C++, then in-memory access it efficiently through Python, Julia, or R
- does not perform any kind of inference, but provides a hook into log density, gradient and Hessian evaluation as well as the constraining and unconstraining transforms.
- the primary goal is to support both algorithm research and application development

See more at

December 16, 2022
Gianluca Baio 🛵

Dates for the next “Practical Statistics for Medical Research” course to be held at UCL Stats Science have been confirmed.

It will be held online from 13th to 16th June 2023.

For more information, please visit:

December 16, 2022
gianlubaio shared a status by philmyboots
Phil L.

This is significant ...

The German office for data protection and freedom of information hosts the official server for government departments

They are now calling for all ministries on the server to put their focus on Mastodon

They are also asking ministries which are not yet on Mastodon to join as soon as possible

December 16, 2022
Gianluca Baio 🛵

Me - Kobi, have you decided who you are supporting in the final?

Kobi - Paris St Germain

Me (roll eyes)

Kobi - I mean England. I mean Argentina. Or France.

December 15, 2022
Gianluca Baio 🛵
Lecturer (Teaching) in Statistical Science

We have an advert out for a Lecturer (Teaching) in our department @ucl

We're particularly interested in the teaching of this:
and this:

All details for application & advert available here:

You can also DM/email me for more discussion/details

December 15, 2022
Gianluca Baio 🛵
Data science education research study

My colleague @MineDogucu is leading on a study "Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Introductory Data Science Instructors" @ucl

If you are willing to participate in the interview, fill out the participation form ( and you will be contacted for further details.

December 15, 2022
Gianluca Baio 🛵
From the bird site, but of interest, I think... December 14, 2022
gianlubaio shared a status by pandoc

🆕 and extension: multibib, a tool to add multiple bibliographies to a document. Feedback, contributions, and feature requests are all welcome.

December 14, 2022