(after a million years, a new blog post...)
Research, teaching and nuclear disasters
Check this out --- that's our annual Poster Competition in #statistics and #probability for PhD students
My Bayesian Data Analysis course at Aalto university starts today. ~370 registered students, and I'll predict that ~270 (~75%) of them will submit the first assignment (about prerequisites), and ~210 (~75%) of them will complete the course. The course emphasizes computation and requires some math and programming skills. All course material is available at https://avehtari.github.io/BDA_course_Aalto/Aalto2023.html
Back in Blighty
Learn how easy it is to make beeswarm and raincloud plots (more transparent alternatives to box plots) using {ggbeeswarm}, {ggdist} & {gghalves} in a new ALA Labs post by me & Shandiya Balasubramaniam
[Champion Program Projects - 2]
🌍 Victor Ordu is working with his package naijR.
📦 http://brovic.github.io/naijR/
The goal of {naijR} is to make it easier for R users to work with data related to Nigeria, including maps.
Victor works to replace dependencies, improve error messages and visualizations accessibility.
✍️ The package is under peer review here: https://github.com/ropensci/software-review/issues/600
The {litr} #rstats 📦 “lets you write a complete R package in a single R markdown document. This enables a workflow for writing R packages that is probably very different from what you are used to.” By Jacob Bien and Patrick Vossler.
(I haven’t tried this yet but it looks quite interesting!)
For accessibility reasons, arXiv is starting to publish HTML versions of papers. https://info.arxiv.org/about/accessibility_html_papers.html 🧵
#math #papers #openscience #academia #arXiv
I think this is interesting and welcome, especially on mobile devices. It is not without problems to want to quickly check some fact on your phone, download the PDF, go to landscape mode, find the right location in the paper, zoom in, etc.
We're thrilled to announce the second edition of R for Data Science is out!
The second edition is a major reworking of the first edition, with new material added, unuseful material removed, and updated code and text.
• Read it for free online: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/
• Buy a copy from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1492097403?&tag=hadlwick-20
• Read more about the new edition in the blog post from new co-author Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel: https://www.tidyverse.org/blog/2023/07/r4ds-2e/