Gianluca Baio 🛵

Dad to Kobi & Anna; Hubby to @martablangiardo. Also, prof of Statistics & Health Economics @ucl & HoD @stats_UCL. Some time to spare for the rest. From Florence, but in London. #bayesian #rstats #HTA

Am I the only one that on the very limited number of occasions where I've used ChatGTP cannot resist the urge to insult it because it is often thick and does NOT give you the right answers?...

(It is of course possible that I'm not asking the right question --- garbage in/garbage out and all that... But I'm pretty sure I've done my part right and it has done its very, very poorly...)

January 28, 2025

The R for Health Technology Assessment workshop will be on 6, 9 and 10 June 2025. Details and updates here:

Registration can be completed here:

Abstract submission deadline is 4 April!

January 23, 2025

It's that time of the year again...
Registration is open for our summer school in Bayesian methods in health economics - this year it will be at University College London @statistics_UCL 23-27 June. Check all details here:

Registration is open here:

First-come/first-serve, so hurry up!

January 17, 2025

I'm having troubles using It seems to be down (or stuck anyway...). The home page times out and fails to load and NO container manages to load up either... I have used it in the past (and managed to navigate my way around what I needed to do), but I can't seem to understand what's happening now... Anyone can help?

January 13, 2025

One of the possible definitions for hell. But very decent single espresso, actually...

December 07, 2024

So exciting that we're sending the final version of our R in HTA book to the publisher!

Hopefully very soon available online (for free) too!
#rhta #costeffectiveness #modelling

December 03, 2024

I sooooo want to live here!! #bcn

November 19, 2024