some jackass product manager enabled their obnoxious "Rufus" AI bot popout on every product page, then omitted an option to hide/disable it on future requests.
so, use uBlock Origin to work around that product manager's misaligned incentives.
right-click the widget, choose Block Element, and use this rule:
Thailand keeps reminding us what a country with an actual deep state looks like: ( (
have an ebike? make it unforgettably fabulous with the nicest pair of 90s Cinelli Spinaci aero bars ever made:
transportation device and cultural statement
I did this in 2019 and it's still the most comfortable mattress I've ever slept on: (
and if/when the coils weaken or my preferences change, I can replace only the problematic layer in a few minutes.
mine is Arizona Premium Quantum Edge Elite Bolsa coils (, 1" latex toppers for the firmness I wanted (, a bit of "egg crate" foam, and a topper/cover (
ordered funky aftermarket chainrings for my bike:
at 90 RPM, the hardest gear will spin out around 32 MPH… which is still about 5 MPH faster than I'd intentionally go on a bike. I'm braking by then, not pedaling.
my current hardest gear is more like 36 MPH. instead of 2 hard gears that I never use, I get 2 more at the low end that I will use.
(bike geeks: going from 50/34 to 46/30 in front)
Kamala Harris/Andrew Camarata 2024
Dems are weakest with non-college educated and/or blue-collar voters, especially rural ones. Camarata will roll into every stump speech on a massive Caterpillar loader:
Sidhu Farms now has boysenberries, the world's tastiest berry. They're at many Seattle farmers markets:
Schuh Farms ( hasn't started picking yet. They estimate starting around the end of July.
self-published ebooks that I am now (reasonably? over?) qualified to write
A Subset of the Many Ways to Fail at Online Dating
alternate title option: Failing at Online Dating in a Nutshell
hat tip to David Hyde (Seattle) for "Left Alone? Absent Strong Leadership, KUOW Slips out of Balance":
> But the question of balance was met with blank stares followed by some version of, “Why would we need to do that?” It felt like a larger turning point, as the winds started to blow more strongly in favor of more partisan coverage.