Gerald So

#PennedPossibilities 579. Pick one of your favorite SCs. How does the story benefit by having them within its universe?

John Falco from "Say Cheese" shows the MC she has a choice between her rich, charismatic antagonist husband Ken, whom everyone thought she should be w/, and John, who earnestly loves her. If she didn't believe she had a real choice, she wouldn't divorce Ken. No story:

20 minutes ago
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 7: How many stages of editing do you go through? What are they?

I don't count them. I usually do multiple drafts and revise portions of each draft until I'm satisfied. No telling how long that'll take from one piece of work to another.

30 minutes ago
Gerald So

@willelm Ditto.

6 hours ago
Gerald So

I've created a #Bluesky account for the bulk of promoting myself and my projects b/c I don't want to take up Masto mods' limited resources w/ that.

If you're game for a chattier Gerald, follow

I'll still be here for #WritersCoffeeClub #PennedPossibilities #WordWeavers, etc.

16 hours ago
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 6: Have you tried creating your own book cover designs? Share your work/attempts.

I made covers for my early ebooks. I like them, but I wouldn't say they're great covers:


16 hours ago
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 5: Would any of your stories make good TV shows or movies?

I think many of them would: My aviator stories, my P.I. stories...They are moving pictures in my imagination as is, though I carefully avoid describing characters to match any actors in particular. As a result, a number of actors could play my characters.

1 day ago
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 3: Do you agree with Thomas Mann, who said, "A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."?

Yes, b/c writers know there are complexities and subtleties to sending any message. Ppl who are unaware may send messages quickly, "easily," not realizing the impact of what they say, and if they ever realize, it's very late to make amends.

3 days ago
Gerald So

Noting how writing works is also important to learning how to write. We may not catch ourselves in the act, but on some level, we're all noting. It's then up to you if you want to channel that into your own writing.

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 2

4 days ago
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 2: Do you analyze structure and technique in other writer’s work?

Yes. I've always been interested in how writing elicits the responses and achieves the effects it does. My interest steered me toward teaching.

I know reading analytically isn't for everyone, but I don't think I could read, watch, or listen to anything completely uncritically. When books, movies, etc. stand up to scrutiny, they're that much better and more enjoyable, IMO.

4 days ago
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Jan 29: How do you format your drafts? Is it the same as the final manuscript?

It varies. I usually go w/ a basic, clear font so I can read it easily. I don't like italics, so I don't like fonts that can be italicized. My drafts are seldom in the same format as the final manuscript b/c different venues require different submission formats. As a submission makes the rounds, I format it accordingly.

January 29, 2025
Gerald So

@johnhowesauthor Best of luck with everything, John, and thanks again.

January 29, 2025
sogerald shared a status by readbeanicecream
readbeanicecream is now selling ebooks

Up to 100 percent of the profits will go to indie bookstores.

#books #bookstodon #reading #bookstore #ebooks #indiebookstores

January 28, 2025
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Jan 28: Would anything stop you from writing, or do you have the bug for life?

I've stopped writing for stretches of time to change my tone. I don't want to be repetitive or too similar to other writers. I've also stopped due to major life events b/c my life and family life are more important than my writing.

January 28, 2025
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Jan 26: If people tell you they’ve always wanted to write, what do you say to them?

Assuming I want to know, I ask, "Why haven't you?"

The other pat yet true response is "It's never too late."

Most ppl who don't consider themselves writers may have a view of the profession distorted by wealthy mega-bestsellers. Few writers can be that, but you don't have to be that to be a writer.

January 26, 2025
Gerald So

#PennedPossibilities 566. What hobbies do you have outside of writing?

Kettlebelling, jogging, yoga, graphic design, air frying.

January 24, 2025
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Jan 23: Do you think it’s vital for a fiction writer to have empathy?

Personally I think it's vital. Writers might not be able to imagine themselves in place of all their characters, but they need to do it at least for POV characters.

However, we've all read published fiction where the authors seem too distant from their POV characters. That proves empathy isn't vital to write publishable fiction despite my opinion to the contrary.

January 23, 2025
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Jan 22: What prompted you to begin writing?

TV and movies I watched before school age had me imagining different possible outcomes. That was the germ that some years later started me writing.

January 22, 2025
Gerald So

Fellow fans of #RobertBParker are welcome to contribute to the discussion in my #Fans of Robert B. Parker public #Matrix room:

If you're a Parker fan or want to become one, feel free to join.

#Spenser #JesseStone #SunnyRandall

January 21, 2025
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Jan 21: What differences do you find in your process if you write both short and long-form?

I find a difference of pacing. A shorter story has to be faster paced. A longer story can take time to flesh out its characters and the dilemma they face, which is appropriate for more complicated issues.

January 21, 2025
Gerald So

#WritersCoffeeClub Jan 20: Do any of your stories take place on the sea? In what way?

My 2014 story "King of the Sea" takes place aboard a Caribbean cruise ship. It sees my scoundrel aviator protagonist working as the ship's detective on behalf of the ship's co-owner.

January 21, 2025