Benjamin Wrensch

Tracing rays and rasterizing things in cubical worlds. Working on the voxel-powered game engine IOLITE.

🧊 Carving my own voxel trail after 10+ years in gamedev.

⌛️ Prev. Projects: Atlas Fallen, The Surge 2, Intrinsic, The Surge, Lords of the Fallen, and Terasology.

⌨️ Coding addict.📍 Missing Deadlines. 🌎 Somewhere in Germany. 👨‍👩‍👧🐈🐈‍⬛ Proud husband, father, and zany cat wrangler.

Benjamin Wrensch

@feiss @TodePond Really cool how the simulation turns a few brush strokes into something akin to a retro artwork. Have to ask: Will it also support "Tree" by Berd?

May 13, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

Exposed the current snapshot of the audio frequency spectrum to the scripting interface and created a small sample as a showcase (sound on!).

The 50 available frequency bins are randomly assigned to 25^2 cubes, and the y-positions are modulated according to the respective amplitudes. Frequencies and amplitudes are log-spaced.

May 12, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

@troy_s Speaking of Beethoven and AT, I also love the picture hidden in one of the Doom 2016 soundtrack spectrograms. The accompanying talk is gold.

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

@TonyVladusich I honestly don't know! But IIRC, the footprint of FFTW is relatively big. I searched for something more isolated and small (like a snippet) instead of a full-blown library. I have to check the performance, though. I’m relaxed since my mixing thread has so much time to spare, but if performance becomes an issue, I’ll probably resort to something like FFTW because of SSE/AVX intrinsics and all that good stuff. :) Thanks!

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

@troy_s Exactly. The visualization of it is close to what all the more complex pitch adjustment tools have (Melodyne etc.).

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

@troy_s Not in the context of audio. That's a nifty tip; I'll play around with it when I have the frequency domain data at hand. I can only imagine that it maps very well to 3D visualizations.

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

@troy_s I also used the frequency domain info for some simplistic beat detection. But the primary use case was frequency binning and mapping to voxel shapes. Can be used to create fun visual thingies! In-game bar visualizers are just scratching the surface when exposed via a scripting interface

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

@troy_s Looks legit, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

Does someone know a permissively licensed, reliable, and reasonably fast 1D FFT implementation in C - preferably just a single header?

I would love the get my audio visualizer back into my new custom sound system. All my findings so far can merely be described as "diverse".

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

@TodePond Oh my, I can't wait! :)

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch

I watched almost all videos by @TodePond in one go. I can't recommend them enough! Very mesmerizing take on creative coding and content creation.

The first thing in my head this morning was: "Welcome back to the SandPond Saga". I guess tomorrow it'll be "Sorry to interrupt". Welp, let's see. :)

May 10, 2023
Benjamin Wrensch
Health issues

@drwhut Get well soon!

May 10, 2023