Zef the Tinker
September 02, 2021
Zef the Tinker
September 01, 2021
Zef the Tinker

: I think a good way to get manufacturers to reduce might be to come up with a standard for packaging vs product ratio. Based on weight or volume, not sure whats best. They could be placed next to the new labels. Then people can compare similar products.

Also frozen pizza manufactures should label boxes with the diameter, that way they don't have to make their boxes unnecessarily bigger to compete.

July 11, 2021
Zef the Tinker

of space, atmospheric effects and so one

June 30, 2021
Zef the Tinker
June 11, 2021
Zef the Tinker
May 31, 2021
Zef the Tinker

Stop using , Horrible for the environment, extremely useful to criminals and sanctioned countries. Most new cryptocurrencies created are scams, multiple major exchanges(banks) have been hacked loosing tens of millions. Causes blackouts in major cities. Increases energy costs. It is a currency with no stable basis and bubble will enviably crash. Just stop using it. It is a investment in a thing with no substance and the only way to stop is for people to stop caring about it

May 26, 2021
Zef the Tinker
April 22, 2021
Zef the Tinker
April 20, 2021
Zef the Tinker
April 17, 2021
Zef the Tinker

A funny i just read

"The looked a little contrite. Ah, well, I have difficulty reading the tiny books you little people make, so I invented something I call an .
Oh? A sort of magic? Booksie wondered. Library magic always fascinated me!
Likewise! But no. An audio book is when you find someone that can read and translate a book at the same time, usually a scholar, and then kidnap them so that they can read to you."

Cinnamon Bun by RavensDagger


March 19, 2021
Zef the Tinker

This is a present I made a while ago, but i just can across the photo, so thought id share, feel free to copy the idea. They are all natural in vials

March 14, 2021
Zef the Tinker

just suck, they offer no benefit to anything, except to themselves. Nothing. I just read this, where owes $2+ billion to a company that doesn't produce anything, except the law suit, that is. bloomberg.com/news/articles/20
So i was thinking, they should make a law so that a is considered abandon(ie can't sue), if the owner has no plans on producing anything using the patent concept or anything derived from the original idea. Seem like a common sense solution.

March 02, 2021
Zef the Tinker

Here is a better way to slice a , in my opinion. It is thinner even width slices, easier to fit in mouth. Cut to be more like appetizer.

January 24, 2021
Zef the Tinker

[/#climateChange] This one made me feel like crap, when i learned it so i thought i'd share. Rice production is one of the largest producers of methane by humans. It also produced nitro-oxide, another . So i guess ill try using orzo, or quinoa alternatively.

(see graph in middle-page)

January 21, 2021
Zef the Tinker

[/#news] Pretty cool. A cross border seesaw, across the , to use between Mexico and USA.


January 19, 2021
Zef the Tinker

[] I know its a bit on the late side but businesses should put out for customer service workers, like grocery store workers. Businesses aren't going to give hazard pay for increased risk of , but a tip jar may help. I doubt they even get payed time off if they get covid.

January 10, 2021
Zef the Tinker

[] Miniature houses for mice installed all over Europe.


January 10, 2021