Ham radio op N3VEM. Into HF mostly, but also run a repeater, and dabble with rockets a little bit as a cross-over hobby.

- Respecter of the living web & justice is for everyone.

Ask me why I don’t own a microwave.

I have a day job, but it's not what defines me - I'd rather talk about , , , , , or anything else you are passionate about.

Might swear a little when angry. Sorry.


Could we please call him J.D., or Nazi VP wannabe or something?

All the Vance hate is sincerely confusing me.

The cool Vance

1 day ago
N3VEM shared a status by RadioRocket
RadioRocket 🚀

We’ve been quietly (mostly) working in the background the last few weeks on our plans and designs for Radio Rocket Version 4 👍. Ponzu (version 3) will stay in rotation for a while, but we have enough new ideas that we decided it was time to build another rocket. Initial designs are done, and some fab is already started 🚀


1 day ago

Our test of our AREDN link for the @RadioRocket went very well, which means for our next launch we’ll have another go at real-time telemetry tooting👍. The distance from home to launch site is less than half a mile, so it’s not really an amazing feet to have been able to make the link happen, but for a radio and model rocket nerd, it’s still exciting to see the thing actually work😀


2 days ago
N3VEM shared a status by joelle

Here’s what parenting can look like.

When I told my dad I was trans, my dad’s response was, “Oh! I can send you jewelry now!” (He was retired and made jewelry as a hobby).

Two days latter, I had a letter in the mail addressed to Joelle, the first time “Joelle” ever got mail, with a necklace in it. Later he made me this one. He told me, “I hope I got the colors right, I looked it up online.”

You don’t have to mourn a child transitioning. You can be the first to do so many affirming things.

3 days ago
N3VEM shared a status by RadioRocket
RadioRocket 🚀

via AREDN: Hello! This toot is traversing from our ground station back home via AREDN and from there to you on Mastodon!

3 days ago

Blah. I’m going to assume it’s bad that after just a routine restart my computer went straight to grub rescue mode. Got up and running again using a live USB and reinstalling grub, but now I’m like - WTF did that happen for.

Im technicalish enough to follow directions and get things running again, but not enough to figure out root cause for why it happened. 😢

3 days ago

Curses on you @adafruit 😀. I have stuff to work on but have gotten side-tracked browsing all the various modules you carry.

4 days ago

I know the kids had a good day when they’re this dirty and are excited to show me the critters they’re finding.

4 days ago