Ham radio op N3VEM. Into HF mostly, but also run a repeater, and dabble with rockets a little bit as a cross-over hobby.

#UnitarianUniversalist - Respecter of the living web & justice is for everyone.

Ask me why I don’t own a microwave.

I have a day job, but it's not what defines me - I'd rather talk about #HamRadio, #ModelRockets, #SocialJustice, #Electronics, #DIY, #Making or anything else you are passionate about.

Might swear a little when angry. Sorry.


Full report on the wind bringing down the OCF now that the sun is out - the rope chaffed and broke over one of the tree limbs, which seems to happen about once a year, even when I use weights or bungees to try and give it some ability to move. Anyway - when it warms up this afternoon I'll get out the big sling shot and shoot a line back over and hoist it back up, so I should be back in business by the end of the day.


7 hours ago

Crypto currency where the proof of work is confirmed 2-way contacts in a database NOT run by the ARRL

#HamRadio hot takes

20 hours ago

I think I'm in the market for one of the ~50' push up masts - either metal or heavy duty fiberglass would prob work for me. Will try to pop in on some local hamfests over the winter and spring as I can to see if I luck out, but if anyone in the PA/NJ/MD area knows of anyone who has one to offload let me know😀


1 day ago

Was just thinking about the cassette tape adapter I had in my first car so that I could play CDs via my discman through the cars cassette deck 🤣

And that was after I took out the factory AM only radio and installed that banging Kenwood am/fm/cassette head unit.

1 day ago
N3VEM shared a status by nars
Narwhal Amateur Radio Soc.

Tonight: NARS Social Net! 📻

Quick reminder of the monthly #Narwhal #AmateurRadio social net, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm Pacific, 10pm Eastern, (0300 UTC Wednesday morning, assuming we didn't mess up with DST)

Hosted by @N3VEM , and available via any Allstar enabled repeater, hotspot, etc. at node 61672, or Echolink, DMR, YSF, DStar, M17, etc. via @PrideRadioGroup's Pride Radio Network

More details can be found on our website: https://nars.narwhal.be/nets

3 days ago