Scottish Greens

For People and For Planet 💚🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
on 4th July
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All posts promoted by the Scottish Green Party, at 19b Graham Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5QN.

Scottish Greens

Scottish Green MSP Mark Ruskell's Bill to end greyhound racing has officially secured enough support to be introduced to the Scottish Parliament!

In 2023 alone 109 greyhounds died trackside in the UK, and a further 4,238 were injured during racing. Their wellbeing must be put ahead of gambling company profits.

1 day ago
Scottish Greens

Our National Parks will be central in our journey to building a fairer, greener country.

The selection of Galloway will have a transformative impact on the nature and communities there, bringing in vital investment, protections and opportunities for local people and businesses.

2 days ago
Scottish Greens

Last year set a new record for the world's hottest day.

🔴 On Sunday we broke that record.
🔴 On Monday we broke it again.

We're watching climate breakdown happen in real time.

The actions governments take today will determine whether we have a liveable planet tomorrow.

2 days ago
Scottish Greens

▶️ Tuesday: Labour vote to continue the 2 child benefit cap, condemning hundreds of thousands of children to poverty

▶️ Wednesday: the King, a billionaire, to receive another £45 million of public money

3 days ago
Scottish Greens

The two-child benefit cap is an utterly abhorrent and cruel policy that has pushed hundreds of thousands of children into a completely avoidable poverty.

For Labour to vote in favour of the cap, and even suspend the handful of MPs who opposed it, is unconscionable.

No Scottish Labour MPs voted against it.

3 days ago
Scottish Greens

A key milestone for reproductive rights as Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay's buffer zones bill gets Royal Assent!

Nobody should face intimidation or harassment when seeking healthcare.

3 days ago
Scottish Greens

Climate breakdown will have major impacts in Scotland.

We either act now to reduce emissions or we suffer the severe social, economic and health consequences later.

4 days ago
Scottish Greens

🚨 In 2021 Scottish Greens entered government and started the process of selecting Scotland's third national park. Today the winner of that process has been announced!

Our existing national parks, the Cairngorms and Loch Lomond & The Trossachs, have been amazing success stories. Now combined with Galloway they could be the centrepiece in our transition to a green economy, supporting local businesses and communities while restoring our iconic landscapes and wildlife. 🙌

5 days ago
Scottish Greens

Israel is in breach of international law and the Geneva Convention. The UK must act:

▶️End arms sales
▶️End political & military support
▶️Sanction those guilty of constructing this system of occupation & apartheid
▶️Support Palestine's right to self-determination & statehood

July 19, 2024
Scottish Greens

2 days ago we asked you to object to Flamingo Land's mega-resort proposal on the banks of Loch Lomond.

Since then more than 25,000 of you have added your voices!

The final decision will be made in just 2 months. Make yourself heard 👇

July 18, 2024
Scottish Greens

The two child benefit cap is a primary driver of child poverty in the UK. Ending it today would lift 250,000 children out of poverty.

If the UK copied the income tax changes we implemented in Scotland they could afford to abolish the cap 3 times over. And if they implemented a proper wealth tax they could abolish the cap 20 times over.

July 17, 2024
Scottish Greens

Loch Lomond is world famous for its natural beauty. We must do all we can to preserve it.

At over 97,000 this is already the most objected to planning application in Scottish history. Help us get to 100,000 and


July 16, 2024
Scottish Greens

Every day that the UK government allows weapons to flow to Israel is another day that they’re complicit in genocide.

Labour must act immediately to end these sales and recognise Palestine’s right to self-determination.

July 12, 2024
Scottish Greens

The two child benefit cap is one of the worst legacies of 14 years of Conservative government.

If Labour are serious about tackling child poverty then there can be no excuses - they must end the two child cap immediately.

July 11, 2024
Scottish Greens

The new Labour government has been clear today that they intend to continue with the 100+ oil and gas licences granted by the Tories in the last 12 months.

This is completely incompatible with our climate targets and the scale of action we need to take.

Our planet cannot afford any new oil and gas exploration. Whether we like it or not, that's a basic fact of the environment we all live in.

July 11, 2024
Scottish Greens

The election result last week was the least representative in modern UK history.

Scottish Greens want to see a fairer voting system that ensures all levels of government reflect the range of political views that people support.

And according to a recent poll Scotland strongly agrees.

July 09, 2024
Scottish Greens

Yet another 4-day-week trial finds that it's better for employees, employers, and customers.

🟢 A massive fall in employee turnover
🟢 Significant financial savings
🟢 Increased productivity and better outcomes

The government must follow the evidence.

July 09, 2024
Scottish Greens

Scottish Green MSP @maggiechapman has written to Keir Starmer to urge him to deliver fast and fair compensation for WASPI women.

A WASPI woman dies every 13 minutes. No more should die without receiving justice.

Read Maggie's letter to the Prime Minister. 👇

July 09, 2024
Scottish Greens

We're hiring a Communications Manager to join our team at the Scottish Parliament 👇

July 09, 2024