Congratulations to Martin MacInnes, whose novel IN ASCENSION has won the 2024 Arthur C. Clarke Award for Science Fiction Book of the Year

“IN ASCENSION shows us, in the words of one judge, ‘Vistas between the cellular and the cosmic’. It’s an intense trip.”
—Dr Andrew M. Butler, Chair of Judges


15 hours ago

Peewits quiffed like Elvis reel from rocks,
their sheen of feathers like blue suede
the breeze buffs in the midday air…

—Donald S. Murray, “An Incomplete History of Rock Music in the Hebrides”
Published in The Edinburgh Book of Twentieth-Century Scottish Poetry, Edinburgh University Press 2005

18 hours ago

“In 1990, the UK Crime Writers’ Association issued a list titled ‘The Top 100 Crime Novels of All Time.’ Number one on the list was THE DAUGHTER OF TIME by Josephine Tey. It was a good call then, it’d still be a good call now.”

Josephine Tey (1896–1952) was born , 25 July


1 day ago

New Writing Scotland 42

Ed. Kirstin Innes & Chris Powici
Gaelic ed. Niall O’Gallagher
Cover: Red Axe Design
Supported by Creative Scotland

Available to preorder from all good (& evil) bookshops!

2 days ago

The Battle of Harlaw was fought , 24 July, 1411. Before the the Clan Donald bard Lachlann Mòr MacMhuirich composed this brosnachadh or incitement to battle – a tour-de-force of composition. Each line contains 2 describing words, & each successive pair of lines all begin with the same letter while retaining the 7-syllable format of each line. The poet works through the entire Gaelic alphabet in sequence.

2 days ago

“Detailed introductions by Bowman […] plus forewords by Michael Boyd & Ian Brown, provide the reader with an understanding of the Scottish political, social & theatrical context into which these trailblazing translations appeared. […] It’s the dazzling use of Scots that makes these texts so compelling.”

Josephine Murray reviews MICHEL TREMBLAY: PLAYS IN SCOTS, translated by Martin Bowman & Bill Findlay

2 days ago

CFP: Women’s Letters in Early Modern Scotland
1 November 2024
Cowane's Hospital Trust, Stirling

This workshop aims to bring together researchers, archivists, curators, & heritage institutions to develop a new community working with women’s letters in Early Modern Scotland


3 days ago

The 2024 HeadRead Literary Festival, featuring top authors from all over the world, took place in Tallinn earlier this year. In this video, Robin Robertson speaks to Jan Kaus

3 days ago

Readings: Irish Diaspora & Scottish Literature
11 Aug, Glasgow – free

The Federation of Writers (Scotland) presents Scriever – Colette Coen & Makar – Marcas Mac an Tuairneir for an afternoon of readings from the Irish diaspora. With Charlie Gracie & Mairi Murphy

4 days ago

CFP: New Perspectives on Walking Women in Anglophone Literatures & Cultures
28–29 March 2025
Hamburg, Germany

This conference aims to assess current trends in scholarship on walking women, to identify its blind spots, & to develop new perspectives on women walkers by deliberately looking at forms, contexts, media, & periods that have received less or no attention so far.

Deadline for abstracts: 7 Oct


4 days ago

“Facing two ways, the poem is part elegy, part praise song. I felt after reading it as if I’d just been walking over that sunlit ground, as if Jamie had spread the moor under the poem, with the sky arching above it.”

—Carol Rumens discusses Kathleen Jamie’s poem “Moor”, published in CAIRN (Sort Of Books, 2024)

4 days ago

Damien Walter discusses the Culture of Iain M Banks with SF author Ken MacLeod. Ken & Iain met in school as teenagers & were lifelong friends


4 days ago