
My new social media home. Tooting my musical horn, Mac Admin axe, and probably some curling and football (Canadian and Australian) talk as well.
💉💉💉💉💉💉💉• N95 indoors • he/him • #yyc


This aligns with what I’ve seen anecdotally in #yyc. We’re having a #COVID19AB wave that is unusual for the warmer months, already eclipsing last summer’s wave and still expected to double. Plus a nasty non-COVID flu that’s going around.

June 19, 2024

I fly so little, it never crossed my mind that I might qualify for one of those enhanced status plans. For this year, it's within reach. It's amazing what one round trip to Australia will do.

June 17, 2024

Watching tonight’s #CFL game, I am reminded about how technology often chases increasing profits over user experience, particularly re: advertising. You would think using tech to deal with providing better exposure in the shadows (in contrast to bright daylight) would be prioritized over placing advertisements on the field. Nope. Even bright ads in the shadows that look entirely fake are A-OK.

June 15, 2024

I've updated my Mac Obsolescence chart to reflect the MacBook Air models whose terminal OS is Sonoma. I've also explicitly called out the first model of each series that ran on Apple Silicon, as this also determines support for Apple Intelligence.

June 13, 2024

I rarely talk about my music pursuits here, but I could not be more proud of the community band I conduct, Foothills Concert Band, for what they achieved in tonight’s concert. It was a real “stretch” concert for them, both technically and stylistically (jazz-themed concert). They did such a great job. #windband #yycmusic

June 11, 2024

TFW you start writing a blog post and need to go back to a video of a presentation you gave 6 years ago for research. And then TFW you mention another session at that conference in your talk, one that you forgot about, that will make your new blog post better, so now you're watching a second presentation as research. :-) #MacAdmins

June 08, 2024

As we start the 2024 #CFL Season, my recent visit to Australia reminded me that some national sports leagues see no reason to start every game with the National Anthem.

June 07, 2024