Ben, The Complicated One

Married, gay American-Australian guy currently living in Australia. I am a coder, game builder, healer by profession, softcore gamer, Mac guy, and a Dachshund enthusiast.

I enjoy shouting into the void. Lots of processing feelings, stress, irrational thoughts, and stuff. You've been warned.

Ben, The Complicated One

Who am I? I am a mystery... I'm kinda like a ghost, but only scarier, and I live under your bed. No, really, I'm a lovable, nerdy gay guy who grew up in the US but moved to Australia and Australia can't seem to get rid of me :). I do web development for $$$ and for fun. I love video games. I have a face made for podcasting (I have a personal journal type podcast). Love my gadgets. Love a good coffee.

October 31, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

I have an injured kookaburra here and waiting for the people from Wildlife Victoria to pick him up. I think the poor little guy got hit by a car or something. He's alive but he probably wishes that I would stop talking to him.

October 30, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

I've been playing Lego Worlds lately. When I was a kid, I had all my Legos in a big popcorn bucket. Sometimes I'd leave them on the floor. Sometimes I'd step on them... at least if they're virtual Legos, I can't lose any on the floor. It's a bit fun. Repetitious, but fun. I figure it'll keep me occupied a little on this 16 hour flight I have coming up.

October 26, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

Good morning to you!!

October 26, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

My right eye is gross and itchy this morning. I haven’t looked at it yet but it might need some visine or something.

October 22, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

Sore throat today for some reason. No talking or singing for me today. I'm a little sad about that. :(

October 21, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

Nothing bums me out more than someone telling me that what I do for fun (coding) is a big waste of my time if I'm not directly being paid for it. I write it to use in other projects/work I do later. If it doesn't benefit someone else, it benefits me.

October 17, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

...and Darknuts. (Teehee)

October 15, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

I have never played The Legend of Zelda all the way through without getting the blue and red rings. Challenge accepted, though I know levels 6, 8 and 9 will beat my ass. Damn those Wizzrobes.

October 15, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

And I present to you my list of browsers that I use... not so much SeaMonkey because it doesn't work well with 5k screens.

October 14, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

Is it really weird that I have ICQ installed on my computer? Is it even weirder that I don't even use it? I can't bring myself to uninstall it.

October 14, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

Tired. Benadryl added asa bonus for weird dreams.

October 14, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

I have to say that I’m quite gay. Probably not fully, but just enough where it counts. (Prob a bit late but hey, now you know. Whether you care, that’s another story.)

October 12, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

My ex used to make fun of me when we were together. He told me that he shouldn't have to fund my lifestyle - he's right though. I get a lot of computer and gaming stuff at my ripe old age. I'm happy with that though. When people have any kind of tech problem, they know that I can usually help them. In most cases, that makes me happy. ;)

October 12, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

If you're not from the USA and you wanna know how it feels to make minimum wage, try Neevo. I'm being paid $0.03 per task and if I only do 4 of them per minute, that's about what you earn. I could do more, but what fun would that be? Who the hell can live off that minimum wage, by the way? (Not with my lifestyle...)

October 12, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

Is it sad that one of the big reasons I want to go back to Texas is because I really, really want some good tamales. I wish that I didn't burn that bridge between a guy I dated and me. His mother made the best tamales. :( Tamales are so hard to find in Australia.

October 08, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

People keep asking me about how I am feeling regarding my next birthday. It’s a big one. I’ll be considered as a ‘daddy’ in the gay world. I honestly never believed I’d make it to this age, but oh well, what can you do? As long as I can move around and live happily, I’m pretty good. :)

October 08, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

Tired. Constantly. Not sleeping well lately. :(

October 07, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

Mandatory education day today which means that I get to sit around and be bored for 8 hours, but I get paid for it, so I'm okay with that.

October 01, 2019
Ben, The Complicated One

I just heard on the radio that the pollen count is extremely high right now and it is only going to get worse next month. I don't like this--at all. I'm already suffering enough, damn it!

October 01, 2019