Environmental Psych Vienna

Who visits and why? And what are the barriers preventing nature visits? 🌳🌿🌥️
@juegger presented the preliminary results of the intersectional analysis of MENE @NaturalEngland data @IAPS2024 on barriers and motivators for visiting nature among the UK population, considering sex, age, status, & .

July 04, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Nina Vaupotič explored the psychological drivers behind people's of various environmental across 5 European countries at . From to , the data reveals high public concern, highlighting the need for zero pollution frameworks like .

July 04, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Concerned about eating microplastics? 🌮🥤 @leoniefian presented her newest study at at on the public’s perceptions of in the food chain, which individual factors predict and in that context, and what it has to do with .

July 03, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

EnvPsyVienna goes ! 👋 We're on our way to & can’t wait to meet everyone! Check out our team’s contributions: Nina Vaupotič & @leoniefian on perceptions of microplastics & other hazards, @juegger on diversity in nature contact & Mat White on marine protection.

July 01, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich! 💐
Cornelia Ehmayer-Rosinak hat den mit €3.000 dotierten der Fakultät für Psychologie der @univienna für ihr Anwendungsseminar zur gewonnen (in der Kategorie "Es gibt nichts Praktischeres als eine gute Theorie“).
Es gab sehr viele Nominationen für diesen Preis – Psychologie ist ganz eindeutig eine Disziplin zwischen Grundlagen- und Anwendungsforschung, und Studierende wünschen sich auch Praxisbezug.

June 22, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

🌍🐾 Did you know that the Beluga sturgeon remembers and travels hundreds of kilometres back to their birthplace every year? Discover the faces of extinction in our most recent blog post by Sari Nijssen. She shares her experience of working with her students to collect a portfolio of narrative biographies of endangered species in Austria. They use techniques to engage people with the crisis - highlighting the urgent need for reconnection with nature. 🌿✨

May 27, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Sari Nijssen, postdoc in the Urban and group, is the new “Post Doc” brand ambassador for the University of Vienna's ( @univienna ) employer branding campaign. She is featured taking a “deep dive” in – check out the campaign and the adjoining video on the jobs portal of the University of Vienna (www.jobs.univie.ac.at).

May 06, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Hi everybody! 😊
My name is Johannes Petermandl and I am a Master's student working as a student assistant @envpsyvienna. I'm interested in various perceptions (e.g., about or ) regarding and related topics.

April 09, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Hi, my name is Marthe Luise Herbst! I'm a health sciences student from Germany and currently an intern for the @ResonateHorizon project. As a newbie in the environmental research, I am very grateful to gain insights into this big project 😊

April 03, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Hey, my name is Valentina Hampejs and I am the new PhD Student working for the RESONATE Horizon Europe project. Every thursday, I have the privilege to join the @envpsyvienna folks. Nice to meet you all ☺️

March 28, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Hi everyone, I’m Romy Joziasse! 👋 I’ve recently joined the group as a masters intern. My main interests are (green & healthy) behaviour change ♻️, values, pollutants, & the i- and s-frame. I am excited to be working on SOS-ZEROPOL2030 and exploring Vienna more in the coming semester!

March 25, 2024
Environmental Psych Vienna

Hi! I’m Katharina Koller, part of the @envpsyvienna group since September 2023. As an external PhD candidate, I'm exploring game-based strategies to boost engagement with climate change. 🎮 🌱

🔍 My research journey began with studying Psychology and Political Science in Vienna and Amsterdam, followed by working in the applied social sciences, now adding a PhD on top. In my research, I’m especially interested in using innovative methodologies and open science practices.

March 18, 2024