Garret :bongoCat:

@TheChrisGlass I’ve been posting once every couple of months just so Twitter might think it’s still “active.”

Then I immediately log off.

February 08, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

Reminder to delete or just not use Twitter.

(I’ve kept my account only so, like, Nazis don’t get it, but I don’t check it or post.)

February 07, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

I’m reminded just now by a letter from the wildlife department that our state governor decided to pick a fight with the tribes here so now if I want a fishing license I have to pay for it.

Before that was a tribal benefit.

February 07, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

This demo has made a change I needed to see from the first game, and that’s the combat: it’s a bit faster.

I always felt like Cloud in the first game felt soooo slooooww. But so far he feels really snappy, and the combat is way better for it.

February 07, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

So it’s only Tuesday, then?

February 06, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:
Pet health/hospice care.

@effika I’m very sorry to hear this.

February 06, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

@johnvoorhees @macstories

If we go by the iPad, the Vision Pro will get a default weather app in about ten years.

February 05, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:


This is a show I think no one really talks about, but it’s in my top 5 shows.

February 05, 2024
garretble shared a status by tvPlusNews
tv+news · all things tv+

Season 4 of will premiere on May 22.

In the new season, we fast-forward six years to discover that Nikki and Jason are experienced adopters who have built a lovely little nuclear family, enriched by an extraordinary support network.

Here is a first look.

February 05, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

@verge So is it easier now to count the tech companies that HAVEN’T had big layoffs this year than the ones that have?

February 05, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

Got my Super Bowl cup ready.

February 04, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

THIS guy.

February 02, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:


I’ve never tried one of those, and I learned he was a giant asshole before I ever got a chance. Of course now I’d never pick one up off the shelf to even give it a squeeze.

February 02, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

I ordered some new pillows, but I think they might be too soft.

But they came super shrink-wrapped, so there’s no way to really return them in the same state as I got them.

I mean, I’ll keep them, who cares. But too-soft pillows are for fools. Fools!

February 02, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

@verge We just want physical buttons. Just give us physical buttons.

February 02, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

I’m now into the second season of .

This show is wild.

February 02, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

I know there are memes about this, but there should be a law against sending out emails that “your product has shipped!” when they have only created a shipping label.

January 30, 2024
Garret :bongoCat:

Me, googling something: “[search query] -Bluetooth -amazon”

Google: “So you wanted Bluetooth products from amazon, then?”

January 30, 2024
garretble shared a status by davidho
David Ho

So this is how you get them to care about CO₂.

January 30, 2024