Geoff Cain

@Autumm @chendricks @DonnaLanclos

" guess that no one can really police that..." They actually can. There are state agencies that are meant to have over-sight over , especially purchasing. Our state agency sees themselves as "advisory" and "modeling behavior" except the salaries they pull down would imply that they are in leadership positions :-) One thing is for sure, the companies won't take responsibility because there is no one holding them accountable (apart from our $$).

January 09, 2023
Geoff Cain

@DonnaLanclos @Autumm One of the problems with new technology in or k-12 is that districts and colleges do not have a consistent way to vet products for student data security, privacy, legal consequences of churning through intellectual property, academic integrity, accessibility, etc. that a "ban" until these issues are understood is reasonable. The only thing that makes any "inevitable" is when we abdicate our responsibility as educators to our students.

January 08, 2023
Geoff Cain

My koan for the day was a buddhist liturgical text I found online that was licensed Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution - Non-commercial - No derivatives). I can't seem to wrap my head around the metaphysical implications of all of this. Is the way that can be attributed the eternal way? I haven't even gotten past the copyright page and I already need to talk to a priest!

January 07, 2023
Geoff Cain

I like Matt's take on in : "Or maybe I should say that what we currently call “Artificial Intelligence” is not intelligence, probably never will be, and should more accurately be called “Digital Automation.”

January 07, 2023
Geoff Cain Annotation Starter Assignments
I was in a great workshop today from the Hypothesis Customer Success Team on Starter Assignments to get students used to annotating. Clover Park Technical College is a partner campus so we have access to workshops, a campus customer support contact, and other resources. I have been to som

January 06, 2023
Geoff Cain

Excited to start a workshop on "Annotation Starter Assignments" from Hypothesis. Here are their slides:

January 06, 2023
Geoff Cain

Decoding Ice Age Cave Paintings
Amateur Archaeologist Decodes Ice Age Calendar in Cave Paintings –

I love this story because all my life I have heard that these cave paintings were religious or examples of "early art." It is that, but is also likely early data management, record keeping, and animal husbandry.  It makes me wonder how little we really

January 05, 2023
Geoff Cain

Another prediction for 2023: A really great, paradigm-shifting, innovative idea in education will be prematurely shelved due to lack of administrative, faculty, and staff vision and its repackaging, open-washed, co-opting by corporations.

January 04, 2023
Geoff Cain

Happy New Year!

January 01, 2023
Geoff Cain

7. He has been accused of taking advantage of government subsidies.
8. He has made controversial comments about climate change and renewable energy.
9. He has been criticized for his poor management practices.
10. He has been accused of using unethical business tactics.

December 30, 2022
Geoff Cain

Just out of curiosity, I asked ChatGPT why Elon Musk sucks and it wrote:
1. He is overconfident and overestimates his abilities.
2. He has been accused of flaunting his wealth and privilege.
3. He has a history of making irresponsible and potentially dangerous decisions.
4. His companies have been accused of exploiting their employees.
5. He has been accused of using public funds to finance his projects.
6. He has a habit of overpromising and underdelivering.

December 30, 2022
Geoff Cain

10. Support initiatives to reduce global inequality and increase access to financial services, education, and other resources to help individuals escape poverty and create more equitable societies.

December 30, 2022
Geoff Cain

7. Provide more support and resources to small businesses to help them compete against large corporations owned by billionaires.

8. Pass laws that prohibit the use of offshore tax havens to hide the wealth of billionaires.

9. Increase regulation of speculative investments and other high-risk activities to limit the potential for excessive gains by billionaires.

December 30, 2022
Geoff Cain

4. Create a global financial registry to track the wealth of billionaires and make it more difficult for them to hide their wealth.

5. Increase restrictions on political donations from billionaires to reduce their influence on the political process.

6. Introduce legislation to limit the excessive salaries and bonuses paid to CEOs and other senior executives of large companies.

December 30, 2022