RDahyot shared a status by EU_Commission
European Commission

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

We are working on a solution to ensure our continued presence on your feeds, taking full advantage of Mastodon's identity portability.

And we are even growing the team behind our Mastodon presence, increasing efforts to engage with your comments on our posts.

We are fully committed to being a real part of the conversation in the fediverse.

Interested in our next steps? Follow us as we take on this new chapter.

1 day ago
RDahyot shared a status by tao
Terence Tao

The first $1.048 million progress prize for the Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad Prize has now launched! kaggle.com/competitions/ai-mat The challenge is to submit (by June 27) an model that can perform well on a set of 50 test questions, each of which has an answer that is a 3 digit number. (The benchmark model that we tested on was only able to correctly answer 3 of the 50 questions; prize winners will have to beat this benchmark as a minimum requirement.)

April 02, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by nixCraft
nixCraft 🐧


January 21, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by paysmaths
Paysages Mathématiques

"Mathematics has a triple purpose. It must provide an instrument for the study of nature. But that is not all: it has a philosophical purpose and, I dare say, an aesthetic purpose."– Henri Poincaré (1854-1912)

March 26, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by brembs
Björn Brembs

This otherwise sensible proposition is still mired in 17th century thinking. In any sensible, modern publishing system, "replicated" would be a stage any publication would go through, among, e.g., "peer reviewed", "open data/code verified", "cited", etc.

"Peer-replication model aims to address science’s ‘reproducibility crisis’"


March 26, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by tomhengl
Tomislav Hengl

Are you looking for global environmental data sets to use for modeling or decision making? We are putting terrabytes of global COGs on OpenLandMap.org, part of our Horizon Europe project and with many thanks to @gilabrs and colleagues from the OEMC project. To download data or analyze smaller parts in please use the oemc QGIS plugin (all explained in the GIF below). Let us know if you have problems accessing the data or ideas what we could add next!

March 25, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by maitri

It occurs to me that, since the demise of Twitter and the half-hearted move to Mastodon, most of my communication on social media is only with people I know. My brain is currently actively calculating if this is a good or a bad thing.

I do miss old Science Twitter, however. Is that still a thing here or elsewhere in another form? Is everyone partying without me? Leads welcomed.

March 23, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by metin
Metin Seven 🎨

🗺️ 𝘖𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘔𝘢𝘱 3𝘋 🧊


Zoom in to street level to see the 3D features.

March 21, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by aral
Aral Balkan

UN issues ‘red alert’ after all major global climate records were broken last year

UN weather agency says 2024 could be worse as report details significant plunge in Antarctic sea ice


March 19, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by bbusschots
Bart Busschots

There may be rain on the way, but right now it’s a glorious spring morning in with the Daffodils in full flower.

March 19, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by freakonometrics
Arthur Charpentier ⏚
March 18, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by arfon
Arfon Smith

You wanted to add your *verified* ORCiD to your GitHub profile? Now you can do that :-) github.blog/changelog/2024-03-

March 14, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by jesper
Jesper Agdakx
Since January 1st, our department has an official Research Engineering and Infrastructure Team that helps out researchers with all kinds of software engineering matters. I'm really happy that we are putting a serious effort to improve the quality of research software and taking off some of the load from researchers!

If you or someone you know would be interested to join this team, there are currently two open positions (deadline: April 15): tudelft.nl/over-tu-delft/werken-bij-tu-delft/vacatures/details?jobId=16774&jobTitle=Research%20Software%20Engineer%20
March 12, 2024
RDahyot shared a status by thomasfuchs
Thomas 🔭✨

For some other cool stuff, see the timeline at the Computer History Museum; their website is always worth a visit! computerhistory.org/timeline/1

January 01, 2023
RDahyot shared a status by thomasfuchs
Thomas 🔭✨

Also in 1983, Lucasfilm (later Pixar) made the first high-resolution computer-generated image that was supposed to be near-photorealistic and "a single-frame movie".

"The Road to Point Reyes" took a month to render.

January 01, 2023
RDahyot shared a status by rmounce
Ross Mounce

"The Cost and Price of Public Access to Research Data: A Synthesis"

a new NSF-funded report from @investinopen investinopen.org/blog/the-cost

March 04, 2024