Sebastian Forster

I'll be on the program committee of DISC 2020 (which will take place in Freiburg).

January 21, 2020
Sebastian Forster

I was interviewed by a regional newspaper ("Salzburger Nachrichten") at the end of last year:

The article was illustrated with a visualization where I was overlaying the photograph of a street network with its corresponding graph in tikz. Thanks to Clemens Koppensteiner whose onimage.sty makes drawing on an image really easy!

January 07, 2020
Sebastian Forster

I've signed the self-commitment to not take short-haul business flights.


December 17, 2019
Sebastian Forster

My student Matthias Reichinger finished his bachelor thesis titled "Ranking Job Opportunities in a Personalised Career Recommendation System". For me, it was a nice experience to get in touch again with some applied Data Science and Machine Learning techniques.

Congratulations for graduating, Matthias!

November 20, 2019
Sebastian Forster

Today at lunch, I've learned about the Trash Compaction problem: Can you push objects on a grid into the compact shape of a rectangle if you're only allowed to push all objects from one side simultaneously. Akitaya, Aloupis, Löffler, and Rounds showed that the problem is NP-complete.

The fun variant of this problem talks about pushing around coconuts with a giant coconut pusher... Here are some neat slides:

November 12, 2019