The Invariants

We are Oxford's student mathematical society. We host informal lectures, often given by leading mathematicians, as well as socials and puzzle competitions. To see our latest events, check out our posts and our website.

The Invariants

Stay tuned for more details about our upcoming school mathematics competition #maths #oxford #competition

Make sure to get your school signed up!

November 27, 2024
The Invariants

We're holding a *pizza social* at 6:30pm on Wednesday, 24th April in the Maths department!

Meet your fellow mathematicians over free pizza and drinks.

April 23, 2024
The Invariants

Join us now in #L1 in the #oxford #maths #institute for a wonderful talk by Matthew Jenssen on #spherePacking from his new paper!!

February 27, 2024
The Invariants

We have received many high-quality submissions for the Invariants’ writing contest, not only from Oxford but from Imperial College and Cambridge as well. Thank you to all participants!

We will be accepting submissions until this Sunday (February 18th), this is your chance to be published in the Invariant, Oxford’s mathematical magazine, and to win up to Β£300 in prizes.

For full guidelines and rules, please see our website: For any further questions, email

Looking forward to reading you.

Diego Vurgait

Invariant magazine editor

#invariants #maths #competition #prizes #magazine #oxford

February 12, 2024
The Invariants

Not too late to join us for #fields medal winner @JamesMaynard 's talk about #patterns in the #primes

#invariants #maths

February 28, 2023
The Invariants

We are very excited to announce tomorrow's talk by James Maynard, #fields medal winner! In L1 on the 28th at 8 PM. Join us afterwards for free snacks and biscuits! #invariants #maths #oxford

February 27, 2023
The Invariants

Join us for the Oxford Integration Bee in L1 at the Maths Institute this Wednesday at 6:00, Open to all!. Cash prizes and free pizza. #invariants #IntegrationBee
read more on our website

February 21, 2023
The Invariants

Great talk by #BenGreen. Now join us for snacks! Thanks for joining us! And join us for member talks on Monday!


February 08, 2023
The Invariants

First open problem was the very interesting Rado's Boundedness conjecture! #invariants #BenGreen

February 08, 2023
The Invariants

Excellent start to Ben Green's #invariants talk. Not too late to join!

February 08, 2023
The Invariants

Join us on Wednesday, 8th Feb 8pm in L1 at the #MathematicalInstitute in #oxford for a talk by Prof. Ben Green on Some Open Problems. #invariants

Title: Some open problems
Abstract: I will discuss a variety of open problems of a type which, I hope, will be accessible to all. I will focus on problems which are not quite the most famous ones, and I will try and explain why I think they are interesting.
See you on Wednesday at the Mathematical Institute L1.

February 07, 2023
The Invariants

Check out another set of #puzzles from our archives. Feel free to reply thoughts, and make sure to visit our website where you can also comment with \( \LaTeX \) .

#invariants #oxford #AndrewWiles

February 01, 2023
The Invariants

Mihaela van der Schaar is the John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Medicine at the #UniversityOfCambridge, a Fellow at #TheAlanTuringInstitute, and founder and director of the Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine (#CCAIM).
Andrew Rashbass is the former CEO of #TheEconomistGroup, #Reuters and #EuromoneyInstitutionalInvestorPLC.

Read more here; ,

#invariants #oxford

January 27, 2023
The Invariants

Very excited to announce the first #invariants event of the year. Should be good fun!!

January 17, 2023
The Invariants

Check out the Maths + Cancer Podcast by #balliol college, #oxford fellow Vicky Neale who has given talks at the #invariants before.

Contains lots great maths! #maths

January 08, 2023
The Invariants

Instead of an #introduction, let's just start with some hard #maths straight from #Oxford. Here's one from our #puzzle archives. Feel free to discuss in the comments, but make sure to hide your #spoilers!!!

From our 2022 Summer Puzzle Challenge,

Let 𝑓(π‘˜) be the largest prime factor of positive integer π‘˜. Suppose a sequence (π‘Žβ‚™) satisfies

π‘Žβ‚ = 2, π‘Žβ‚™β‚Šβ‚ = π‘Žβ‚™ + 𝑓(π‘Žβ‚™).

Find the largest value of 𝑛 such that π‘Žβ‚™ < 10⁴.

All the best from the #invariants :))

January 04, 2023