Life parodies least the ride has nice views.

February 06, 2022

I never noticed this, but if I'm reading the Anaconda license right, you can modify and redistribute it any way you want as long as you don't call it Anaconda or sell it for money.

December 26, 2021
MB shared a status by Mojeek

Nice, now people can have a surveillance SCREEN in the corner of the room that they bought on a whim and never use...

...that's progress baby!

September 24, 2021

Interesting take on Google's restrictions on misleading content

July 16, 2021
July 13, 2021

App telemetry is not always bad; but it is always a loss of control. Like a secret, once told, it is unbound. Thinking about things like the debate around and many related items.

July 07, 2021