AAWA News, July-August 2024: Reminder: AAWA Picnic on Saturday, August 10; Successful Matching Donation Drive; Remembering Lloyd Flem; Primary Election, August 6; Third Annual Greater Northwest Rail Summit, Spokane, October 8-9; From Our Coalition Partners; Save These Dates; COVID Is Still With Us; Check with Rail.chat for the Latest News https://aawa.us/news/posts/aawa-news-july-august-2024/ #WashingtonState #PassengerRail
Sound Transit Doubling Sounder North Service This Fall with Four Runs/Day https://www.theurbanist.org/2024/07/20/doubling-sounder-north-service/
Thanks to everyone who has shared your tributes to Lloyd Flem at https://www.aawa.us/news/posts/remembering-lloyd-flem/ Now more than ever, we need your donations to continue his work. https://aawa.us/donate/ #PassengerRail #WashingtonState
We continue to receive wonderful tributes to Lloyd Flem at https://aawa.us/news/posts/remembering-lloyd-flem/ In honor of Lloyd, please help us continue his work by making a generous donation to All Aboard Washington online or by check at https://aawa.us/donate/ #PassengerRail #WashingtonState
Union Station Great Hall becomes a cooling center as temperature rise https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/union-station-great-hall-becomes-cooling-center-temperature-rise/WXM4OQWIXFBWTEUL2SXYBAWT7I/ #Seattle #CoolingCenter
The funeral service for Lloyd Flem is set for 10 am on July 15 at Funeral Alternatives of Washington, 455 North Street Southeast, Tumwater, WA 98501. https://aawa.us/news/posts/remembering-lloyd-flem/
All Aboard Washington regrets to announce that AAWA’s former executive director, Lloyd Flem, passed last evening. His family asks for no calls. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. We will make announcements when further information becomes available. https://aawa.us/news/posts/remembering-lloyd-flem/
The Great Hall in Union Station in Seattle, named for 2016 AAWA Tom Martin award winner Joni Earl, reopens for the first time since 2020. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/joni-earl-great-hall-union-station-reopens-first-time-since-start-covid-pandemic/JAO7RLPRIRDUJCF7GI5GPW56RY/ #SoundTransit #Seattle #PassengerRail
AAWA News, June-July 2024: Donate now to triple the benefit; Auction Success; Reporting from FRA and BSPRA Meetings in Missoula; Join us in Spokane, October 8-9; AAWA Picnic on August 10; Save These Dates; COVID Is Still With Us; Check with Rail.chat for the Latest News https://www.aawa.us/news/posts/aawa-news-june-july-2024/ #PassengerRail #GreaterNW #NWSummit
Reporting from FRA and BSPRA Meetings in Missoula https://aawa.us/news/posts/reporting-from-fra-and-bspra-meetings-in-missoula/ #PassengerRail #Montana #WashingtonState #GreaterNW
‘“We believe additional [Sounder] trips would be supported by the public and would address ridership demand in 2036,” Saxe said. If we were to engage with BNSF on the possibility of adding new trips, we would continue to track ridership trends as well.”
Saxe added that Sounder capital projects uniquely qualify for Federal Railroad Administration grants and financing, unlike Sound Transit’s other modes. ' https://www.theurbanist.org/2024/06/15/sounder-south-frequency-boost/ #CommuterRail #RegionalRail #Sounder #Seattle #Tacoma @urbanistorg