Neither Amtrak nor the state DOTs have any interest in lobbying for a larger fleet or a larger system. So we as rail supporters need to tell our state legislators and national representatives that's what we want.
Happy Thanksgiving weekend! I hope you and your friends are doing well. Safe travels!
What do Germans call a bustitution? An ersatzbus.
Well @$#!! Did you buy one?
Arlo Guthrie’s antiwar staple “Alice’s Restaurant” was inspired by a Thanksgiving Day visit to her diner in western Massachusetts.
Our grandfather, the GG1 engineer, knows that our family in Pennsylvania is making the correct choice.
The Only Patriotic Choice for President "Kamala Harris is the only choice."
30% of Americans don’t drive because they are old…young…poor…disabled…have limited transportation options…care about the planet’s future. So please vote for candidates who care about those who are old…young…poor…disabled…have limited transportation options…care about the planet’s future.
"A name is often more than just a name. For Indigenous people, the meanings behind names run much deeper than they appear on paper. There’s a connection between the name and the land itself that becomes almost indistinguishable…To erase a name off the map is a form of cultural and historical desecration. To superimpose a new one that has no meaningful affiliation with the land itself leaves a different kind of sting.” #GreaterNW #History