Grow Trains

This website brings together news, opinion, and events from around the web, of interest to those who advocate for improved passenger rail service in the United States.

Grow Trains

“The funding levels proposed in the House FY24 transportation appropriations bill for Amtrak and FRA rail programs will stop the advancement of passenger rail in its tracks.…The proposed amount – a 64% cut from Amtrak’s FY23 annual appropriation and 76% lower than the levels authorized by Congress – would dismantle vital transportation links across America and negatively impact jobs and the American economy.“

July 13, 2023
Grow Trains

This a good “trains 101” introduction for those who are interested.

July 10, 2023
Grow Trains

“U.S. Transportation Secretary Buttigieg touts Washougal train project. Politicians were in Clark County to celebrate the $40 million USDOT grant the city received to remove a train-road intersection.”

July 08, 2023
Grow Trains

@FediFollows Could you please list me on Fedi.Directory under ? Thanks.

July 01, 2023
Grow Trains
June 30, 2023
Grow Trains

New survey: 82 percent of voters don’t believe highway expansions are the best solution for reducing congestion @BethO

June 29, 2023
Grow Trains

“Even post-pandemic…the [SEPTA] rail line transports 170,000 people each day—more than the number who use the flame-scarred segment of I-95. But Pennsylvania leadership has displayed no urgency to ensure that SEPTA…has the resources to replace its aging railcars. That highlights the last factor that helped with I-95’s near-instant restoration: Automobile infrastructure has long been privileged over other modes of transit in America."

June 26, 2023