BS move by SF's new mayor. #policecommission
How Freakanomics author developed a panopticon for Chicago residents on #electronicmonitoring. "Just as police can’t rummage through your home without a warrant, “they can’t monitor people 24/7 for purposes of criminal investigation. That is unconstitutional.”
"The "unilateral" decision showed also showed "why voluntary principles are not an adequate substitute for regulation and binding law" #AI #Google
New Orleans archdiocese tries to grab nonprofit funds donated to feed the hungry via food bank to pay off sexual abuse lawsuits and fires the food bank's board when they say no.
Public media is important, but touche. "“The framing has always been so off. It’s always been in the personal, it’s always been in the cultural, and it’s always actually about the emotions of the white people who are listening".
Tomorrow at the SF Planning Commission, the Mission community demands that promises be kept and affordable #housing that burnt down not be replaced with luxury housing.
Helping #homeless people could soon become a misdemeanor crime in Fremont. A new ordinance proposes criminalizing assisting people living outside.
Tennessee State Legislature makes it a crime for local elected officials to vote yes on #sanctuary polices in their cities and counties.
Open Vallejo is doing excellent reporting on the #AI rationalists turned murder gang story.
"The Martinez #refinery fire spewed at least 500 pounds of sulphur dioxide, a pollutant, into the atmosphere".
"Detection of #PFAS — an acronym for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances — in drinking #water wells in San Jose, Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Campbell and Gilroy indicate “widespread contamination of the groundwater underlying the Santa Clara County region".
CA will be debating a bill this year to force Internet companies to offer affordable #broadband connections.
New FCC chair weaponizes the real problem of commercial #underwriting to attack public media.
"In 1997, Benner was quoted on the ideal psychology of a #police officer: “To function effectively in our job, you must annihilate, smother, and suppress normal emotions like fear, anger, revulsion, and even compassion.”
"GoFundMe is a grim monument to our neoliberal age. It has become an essential means to solicit and receive cash assistance during times of crisis. But alongside a demonstration of human resilience and generosity in the face of tragedy, it also produces a steady stream of evidence of the injustice that plagues our society."
Students printed a list of all of the #MIT projects with connections to the Israeli government and Israeli military. MIT then shut down access to the campus grants database.
TX Lt. Gov Patrick threatens to recriminalize the use of medical #marijuana The dispensaries are jammed. ""It took 88 years to end hemp prohibition, and now we're going to set the clock back."
Trump's partisan attack on the Privacy and Civil Libertes Oversight Board #PCLOB risks cutting off American #tech companies access to users in the European Union.
Kaiser Permanente's IRB halts human #research studies on cardiovascular disease citing insufficient attention to the wellbeing of the human subjects amid an FDA investigation.