Gersande La Flèche

I think about the following *a lot* as someone with a blog which over time became a hybrid blog/newsletter, because it seemed like no one was reading blogs anymore, but turns out people don't really read newsletters either.

>One of the major problems with salesbros is that they think “always be closing” is a mantra to live by because they didn’t understand the point of Glengarry Glen Ross, which is that salespeople are nightmares. That’s why there’s always some silly pop-up chat at the bottom of every website now.
> This is some real tragedy of the commons shit. The web is becoming a miserable experience because some salesbro who is trying to meet his KPIs is doing stuff to marginally increase the number of paying customers. (And you know, the hell with the rest of us!) The more each site tries to create its own little walled garden, the less valuable the open web becomes.


March 01, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

C'est vraiment pas surprenant que les jeunes gens préfèrent des apps comme Reddit ou TikTok au lieu des moteurs de recherche pour chercher des infos ou de l'aide. Les moteurs de recherche ne produisent que des résultats incompréhensibles/faux.

March 01, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

C'est juste moi ou est-ce que tous les résultats Google/DuckDuckGo/Ecosia/etc. sont pires que d'habitude depuis quelques semaines?

March 01, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

I read this article on burnout and am having a lot of emotions.

I'll probably reread it a bunch more times. It resonated incredibly hard with my experiences.

February 28, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

Watching folks on social media explain to The Youths Of Today why the Dilbert comics were culturally relevant as wells as how newspaper comics work is making me feel very old, today. :blobcat_dizzy:

February 27, 2023
Gersande La Flèche
Body Horror; Just Kidding It's Not Actually Body Horror; Injury

I big-time bruised my toenail trying on new pointe shoes yesterday at the ballet store and now my left foot hurts SO MUCH this is abominable.

Seriously, I once had a 6 centimetre shard of glass go right through the sole of my foot and it hurt less than a little blue bruise under my big toe toenail!!!

February 26, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

Sounds bad.

> Breaches of personal information have targeted millions of people in recent years, as criminal hacking endeavors have moved from small-time viruses against personal computers to targeted attacks on institutions and businesses to either implement ransomware or steal customers' personal information for fraudulent use. A prominent DNA testing firm, DDC, has settled a pair of lawsuits with the attorney generals of Pennsylvania and Ohio after a 2021 episode that saw cybercriminals steal data on 2.1 million people, including the social security numbers of 45,000 customers from both states


February 24, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

@patrikcsak It works! :D Took a few minutes, but it loaded my more popular posts :blobcatnerd:

February 24, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

I've been amazingly out of the loop in the Canadian game dev scene and I think I've missed a boatload of info about what's been going on with DMG in Toronto:

> I offer this statement in vulnerability and with hope, with my own trust in how we handle and navigate conflict being shaken, and knowing that I’m risking my own belonging. I do not believe this situation represents what we want for each other, or the futures we imagine. In order to move towards the world we’ve envisioned through our work at DMG, we need to be able to practice healing, mediation, and validation in the present. That is my hope for the future of this community.

— Jayd Matyas


February 24, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

"I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences."

DS9 has such epic writing sometimes (or maybe it's the delivery). Such hammy writing most of the time. But every now and then... Wow. (Again, it might be the delivery. Even in full makeup, Andrew Robinson is a gem.)

February 22, 2023
Gersande La Flèche Awwww trop chou 🥬

February 21, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

Between domain name and hosting costs, Mille feuilles costs roughly 35 CAD a month to run. Any donations (through Liberapay) that can help chip away at server costs and upkeep time are very appreciated!

Entre le prix du domaine et les coûts d'hébergement, le coût de fonctionnement de Mille feuilles est actuellement 35 CAD par mois. Tous les dons (via Liberapay) qui peuvent aider à réduire les coûts du serveur et le temps d'entretien sont très appréciés.

And, as always, if you want to support the development of the wonderful Bookwyrm project, please check out the patreon for it:

February 21, 2023