Gersande La Flèche

> Nous attendons toujours de savoir en quoi c’était une nouvelle. Un peu de sérieux : nous parlons d’un gouvernement qui nie l’existence du racisme systémique. Pour lutter contre l’imbrication des rapports d’oppressions, encore faut-il les reconnaître. C’est… un peu la base.
> Prétendre que le féminisme de la CAQ pourrait être intersectionnel c’est, au pire, une insulte envers les apports théoriques et pratiques des femmes Noires au développement des luttes féministes, au mieux, une incompréhension totale du sujet en question.

March 08, 2023
Gersande La Flèche
On "Wholesome Media"; Fascism

People who have known me for many years will probably remember me going on long frustrated rants against the entire concept of "wholesomeness" and "wholesome media/art" over on the Twitters.

I feel like in the past couple years, as the rise in "wholesome" books and tv and film and plays keeps going, especially in queer and trans spaces, I feel increasingly isolated in this position. But to me, "wholesome" narratives are the backbone of reactionary art, of fascist art. These are the narratives that hide how deeply oppressive our actual and current economic, social, and political systems are. These are the narratives that interfere with imagining and creating a better and more just world.

To me, "wholesome" will never stop being a huge red flag at best, and something to reject completely most of the time.

March 08, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

La journée internationale des droits des femmes n'est pas une excuse pour acheter des trucs niaiseux pour les femmes dans votre entourage, les gars.

March 08, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

The only problem with matcha is that whenever I finish my matcha I want more matcha but as I do not want to have tachycardia and jitters that vibrate me into another plane of existence I must be reasonable. But this required reasonableness is unreasonable!

March 07, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

Folks in the western hemisphere: look to the western sky if your sky is clear, both Jupiter and Venus are uncommonly bright tonight!
If this is Jupiter and Venus as I think it is, this is very rare indeed.

March 06, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

Is up? :blobcat_ohnoohno:

March 06, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

I wonder how crazy it would be to try to do a handstand again. (It has been 18 years since I successfully did a handstand.)

March 05, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

If you have clear skies, look to the east if you're in the western/northern hemisphere. The full moon is up very early.

March 05, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

@dexiheart :blob_cat_heart: merci!!!

March 04, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

@ombres J'utilise Antidote et Robert Correcteur. Ils ont les deux leur utilité mais je trouve Antidote le plus performant.

March 04, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

Looking for a mostly-anglophone, small Mastodon instance that is ***very*** trans and queer friendly for a friend who wants to check out Mastodon and the fediverse. Any recs?

March 04, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

Plank challenge!!!

Day 1:
50 seconds on hands
15 seconds side plank
15 seconds side plank

(May try adding plank with one leg raised tomorrow we shall see how I feel!)


March 04, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

@sidawson To me 0 being the freezing point of water makes a ton of intuitive sense 😅 I guess when you're raised in a system and geography where you're likely to experience -40 to +40 C depending on the season, you learn to understand it instinctively

March 03, 2023
Gersande La Flèche
Toxic traits

@sidawson I don't really agree about the human friendliness of it. I am (though tenuously) human and it's not very intuitive or friendly to me 😅

March 03, 2023
Gersande La Flèche

@greyor Definitely difficult to become accustomed to these kinds of frames when you haven't grown up with it.

If it makes you feel better, my partner was born in the USA but has been using Celsius for 10 years and has learned to grasp both systems intuitively. It just requires time and daily usage. Hard to intuit a system when you're not using it continuously, all day every day!

March 03, 2023