Gersande La Flèche

I've been thinking about this all day.

Simon Bruni (@ SimonBruni on Twitter) wrote:

> If the translation industry becomes a machine-translation-post-editing industry, eventually there’ll be no one with the skillset required to post-edit the robots because the required skills can only be obtained through years and years and millions of words of translating.

And the following:

> What's more, nobody will want to do the work because it's horrid and bad for your health.

Can confirm. Clients would ask me to “translate" a.k.a. "edit machine translation" for literally 10% or sometimes even 5% of what my translation rate would be (because my different editing and translating and localization rates had been set many, many years before machine translations became the monsters they are today) and it would end up taking me often longer than a regular translation would take. So I lost money and time, and clients didn’t want to understand why I didn't find Deepl absolutely fabulous.

1 day ago
Gersande La Flèche

Sérieusement il est passé temps de congédier mon manager

(Mon manager, c'est moi)

1 day ago
Gersande La Flèche

Mais c'est qui qui me laisse écrire des courriels bourrés de fautes!!?!?!

1 day ago
Gersande La Flèche

The problem with watching a Contrapoints video is that now I want to throw my TBR pile out the window and read nothing but philosophy!!!

4 days ago
Gersande La Flèche

This image is a WORK OF ART

4 days ago
Gersande La Flèche
celebrities; JKR; Holocaust denialism; social media nonsense; Twitter

Really interesting tidbit here, which suggests that, on some level including perhaps an unconscious one, JKR actually fished the Holocaust-denial tweet so that she could participate in public Holocaust denialism.

4 days ago