Charles Kenny

Industry observer at The Animation Anomaly with a focus on the intersection of art and industry.

Producer of Space Base 8.

Admin of and the room on Matrix too!

Charles Kenny

Netflix cancels 'Hoops'.

There might be a light at the end of the tunnel after all.

December 09, 2020
Charles Kenny Oooh, that look awesome!

December 08, 2020
Charles Kenny

@AnimationForce Awesome short film folks, congratulations!

December 04, 2020
Charles Kenny

So as an studio, you can create amazing films, but your ability to carve out brand recognition is near-impossible because a) the streaming service's brand is paramount to your own and, b) said service has to be either of the top two or nobody's going to even notice or care about you.

December 04, 2020
Charles Kenny

Netflix doesn't count as independent because they invest heavily in producing their own content.

Some have already noticed similarities to Netflix and the Hollywood studio system of that town's golden era.

December 04, 2020
Charles Kenny

With the demise of cinemas, a distribution channel independent of studios is closing, and with it, a level playing field where the audience is the arbitrator of success.

December 04, 2020
Charles Kenny

A film could be amazing, but by creating for a service that's essentially niche, will your studio have to subsist on (basically) hands-outs from media companies? Do they become simple production houses again?

December 04, 2020
Charles Kenny

I'm concerned about studios creating films for streaming services that aren't Netflix.

The Law of Duality states that if you aren't in the top 2, nobody really cares about you.

YT is no.1. Netflix is no. 2.

Where does that leave others like Hulu and Apple+ (maybe even Disney+)?

December 04, 2020
Charles Kenny

Ross is an incredibly talented guy and I'm extremely grateful that he shared his creative and professional expertise during development of my short, Space Base 8.

December 03, 2020
Charles Kenny

I'm going to be kinder than /Film is to the trailer for Ghibli's 'Earwig and the Witch'

Yes the animation isn't the best, but everything else about the film is intriguing

December 03, 2020
Charles Kenny

Spotted in the comment section of a Guardian article:

"WallE is a confused wee romcom featuring an electric ET."

November 30, 2020
Charles Kenny
November 26, 2020
charleskenny shared a status by bkatchor
Ben Katchor
November 26, 2020
Charles Kenny

At least we now know where Seth Rogen's loyalties lie in the Disney Duck universe...

November 25, 2020