#Sydenham #crystalpalace #crystalpalacepark
Sad. The telephone box near the Thicket Road gate.
#southernrailway #tfl #Sydenham #foresthill
No Overground (Windrush) today. Insted of 10 trains/hour we got 2 Southern. They reduced the service to just 4 carriages per train. Predictable pandemonium.
The doors wouldn't open at first at LBG becsuse of people pressing against the doors. Here's the less overcrowded return to SYD/VIC.
TfL could have run a CP to LBG service or Southern could have put on the full 10 carriages. Muppets!
REMINDER TOMORROW (Saturday) is the Sydenham Assembly. 11am at the Sydenham (Narborhood) Centre.
Main item is how to use the £74,000 budget. £35,000 has been recommended for improvements to Sydenham Library.
#lewisham #catford #metpolice #london
Two Metropolitan Police officers who denied having heard a restrained man say "I can't breathe" before he died in custody lied under oath at his inquest, a misconduct panel has been told.
Danielle Barnes and Elizabeth McAleenan are accused of failing to ensure the welfare of a member of the public after Kevin Clarke, who had paranoid schizophrenia, died in police custody at Lewisham Hospital in March 2018.
#Sydenham #bellgreen #lewisham
Think if those bombs had exploded when the gas holders and works were there:
#Sydenham #se26 #twentyisplenty #roadsafety
Another smash in Lawrie Park Road as a car apparently loses control and smashes into a parked car lifting it onto the pavement. Quite a smash for a 20 mph zone.
People shocked but hopefully not hurt. This is a road used by many cyclists who have to gamble as cars speed down a street narrowed by parked cars dodge around each other.
One is going to die. Hope it's not me.
Sydenham Wells murder update: 2 arrested but bailed and the woman is still recovering from the serious gunshot wound.
More: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/sydenham-metropolitan-police-london-met-b2666693.html
Sydenham Winter Welcome is Back!
Enjoy a warm welcome, tea, biscuits and an
assortment of arts and crafts...
As the winter days grow darker, Sydenham Arts is bringing some warmth and colour with the return of our Sydenham Winter Welcome! Every week, a talented local artist will host a fun, craft-based activity for anyone who wants to get creative, enjoy a hot drink, and nibble on some biscuits.
Sessions will run every Monday afternoon. They are completely free to attend, and all materials are provided.
Where? Ignition Brewery Taproom, Sydenham Road
When? Every Monday, 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm – drop in at any time
More info: www.sydenhamarts.co.uk
Met Police challenged on claim Live Facial Recognition cameras are supported by ‘majority of Lewisham residents’.
There are five in the borough watching you now.
When Computer Weekly did a Freedom of Information request on the consultation - the claim appears to have fallen apart badly and embarrassingly.
#Sydenham #crystalpalace #london
The amazing subway from high level station under The Parade to the Crystal Palace has been renovated to give a hint of the splendour of the Palace.
You may be able to spot it amongst the ruins of the 1936 fire. This pix is available from Wikimedia. Details in the pix alt.
#Sydenham #se26 #southernrailway
New extra peak time Southern services to London Bridge from December 16th:
MORNING PEAK from Norwood Junction
Penge West 07:37 08:07 09:07
Sydenham 07:40 08:10 09:10
London Bridge 08:01 08:31 09:31
London Bridge 17:10 17:40
Sydenham 17:29 17:59
Penge West 17:31 17:31
From Sydenham Society newsletter:
Merkur Slots win appeal to open in ex-Santander shop
Back in the spring Merkur Slots, the gambling company, was refused planning permission to turn 53 Sydenham Road (the premises formerly occupied by Santander) into an ‘adult gaming centre’. The planning application attracted 92 objections – one of the highest levels of objections ever lodged by the local community. Merkur subsequently appealed the refusal of consent and we’ve now heard that the Planning Inspectorate has overturned Lewisham’s decision. The business will open once the shopfront has been installed (in line with a separate planning application) and will operate from 9am to 2am, Monday to Sunday.
#Sydenham #se26 #metpolice #lewisham #dulwich #DailyMail
'Dulwich Borders' (estate agent speak) or 'Murder Mile' (Daily Mail speak)?
The latter string together a string of incidents over the last decade that may or may not be connected to highlight how we may be victimised by being in between gang territories. That's if you ignore some pertinent facts in some of these cases.
Mail Fail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14071741/Sydenham-shooting-gangs.html
Lots of folks are deserting Twitter/X as did we. For those who have chosen BlueSky we have today set up a bridge account so you can follow us there. It's bidirectional so you can join the conversation wherever you are.
Our BlueSky address is: @se26.social.brainsys.com.ap.brid.gy
If you are seeing this on BlueSky you can catch up with past posts here: https://social.brainsys.com/@se26
#Sydenham #se26 #penge #se20 #crystalpalace
Oh no! Remember the months (years?) of disruption on Crystal Palace Park Road by Thameswater?
Well the roadworks are back with avengence. Yesterday temporary lights appeared between the junctions of Lawrie Park Road and Sydenham Avenue. Today we now have them under the railway bridges near the Telephone Exchange. Downhill queues were particulary bad this afternoon.
With the long term roadworks on Westwood Hill there is no escape from delays getting up or down the hill.
Bus routes 227, 176 & 197 are impacted
#Sydenham #se26 #london #metpolice
Officers were called at 10:10 BST on Sunday to reports of a shooting near Wells Park Road in Sydenham.
They found a man with injuries who died at the scene.