Mr Penguin

Judge removes testimony he doesn't like despite defendant getting witness back into court so that the prosecutor can cross examine. The witness didn't know originally that she needed to return. But now that she has been made known the court won't hear her because its the defenses best witness.

May 04, 2023
Mr Penguin

Judge silences audience at Franks trial. Women protests judge punishing audience over Franks behavior.

May 04, 2023
Mr Penguin

Multiple state reps come out in support of Frank at this sham of a trial.

May 04, 2023
Mr Penguin

33 supporters out to support Frank at trial. Frank continues testimony in regard to protest of state accepting 27 million in federal bribes at a silent protest at a governor hearing. Frank was removed from court when enraged over prosecutors questioning of unrelated event suggesting his intent was not a silent protest. This evidence had nothing to do with the incident for which he was supposedly arrested.

May 04, 2023