Mr Penguin

Chris Christie, a 2024 presidential hopeful, and corrupt former governor of New Jersey has come out saying he won't let New Hampshire peacefully secede from the United States.

Vote for candidates that support New Hampshire independence. New Hampshire led the way in declaring independence from the British empire the first time around and New Hampshire can lead the way again in declaring independence from the American Empire.

September 26, 2023
Mr Penguin

New Hampshire represenative Jason Gearhard and Franke Staples challenge federal authorities rule against recording by refusing to stop recording at entrance of federal courthouse in Concord, New Hampshire. This incident occurred at the Crypto6 sentencing hearing of Ian Freeman for which the federal government is trying to hide the corrupt nature of the system from public view. Ian Freeman was convicted of crimes he didn't commit and his name slandered by the feds repeatedly. Ian Freeman has been targeted over the past decade on at least 3 occasions by the FBI and this is the first time they've taken a case to trial over what amounts to a paperwork violation, though claiming other false things including scamming elderly ladies despite the evidence overwhelmingly showing that he had no knowledge of any scams at the time those scams took place and was no more responsible than the banks who transmitted "large sums" for the "little old ladies" to make Bitcoin purchases. These little old ladies signed documents indicating they knew what they were purchasing and confirmed this via a phone call as well. The government was able to identify a mere ~8 "victims" out of about 10k transactions, of which not all were the churches. The government mixed transactions from different parties and claimed conspiracy to bulk up the appearance of criminal wrongdoing. The reality is when the undercover fed tried to fool Ian into partaking in a crime he refused. He refused to sell bitcoin to an undercover agent once he came out as a drug dealer. Ian did everything exactly as he should of and despite this they convicted him. There is no better case to evidence how rigged this system is than this. Thank you Jason Gearhard and Frank Staples for standing up and fighting.

September 12, 2023
Mr Penguin

Ian has been on the feds radar for over a decade. He’s being targeted because he is such an effective liberty activist and by taking out Ian and his nationally syndicated radio show Free Talk Live the feds think they can take out the Free State Project and the larger migration movement. They want to make an example of Ian and chill the adoption of crypto and demoralize the broader liberty movement.

Ian exemplifies liberty principles and consistently demonstrates what it means to be a free stater. It was Ian and Free Talk Live that introduced Bitcoin to the world. In fact, he introduced Bitcoin Jesus aka Roger Ver to Bitcoin.

It was Ian and Free Talk Live that directly and indirectly led 10s of thousands of people to move to New Hampshire and partake in the Free State Project. I myself moved in 2016. The feds know Ian's the reason 2/3rds of people moved early on too (according to early Free State Project participants who did ‘intake’). What the feds have missed in their effort to take out Ian is that they’re too late.

When principled liberty activists are targeted by the state it is in all our interests to double down and get behind them. Please join us next Monday in Concord.

September 06, 2023
Mr Penguin

Are you going to attend Ian’s sentencing hearing on 9/11 @ 10AM in Concord (US District Court, 55 Pleasant St)? I am. Ian was convicted for the bastardy crime of selling Bitcoin and not begging the government for a permission slip to do so. Supporting Ian now is one of the most important things you can do for liberty in our life time. A sentencing hearing is the MOST important hearing a person can attend to support a fellow activist in our fight against the governments erosion of our freedoms.

For those who don’t know Ian he has been one of the most influential people on the planet in promoting liberty and the use of cryptocurrency as a way to separate money and state. Ian advocates for peace through voluntary exchanges that cryptocurrencies facilitate. For selling Bitcoin Ian faces up to 70 years in a cage.

September 06, 2023