Ethan Black

Hello there!

I boost a lot of posts, but I have a few things to say every now and then.

I am largely fine with boosting posts from people I disagree with even on significant, dividing issues. I usually don't, however, if they actively advocate for these ideas... so it goes :/

#Christian #coding #HaikuOS #Linux #privacy #FOSS #Fediverse #SmashBros #SSBU #LegendOfZelda
Note: doesn't support DMs

Ethan Black
June 17, 2024
Ethan Black

@Big_Diggity Oh nice! I keep on trying to run it on my homeserver... maybe I'm messing up somehow. I keep on feeling negative about Matrix over this, maybe I shouldn't 😓

June 17, 2024
golemwire shared a status by mike
Mike Stone

I don't currently own a @frameworkcomputer, but it's stuff like this that's making it feel like I will sooner rather than later. The ability to just change the laptop hardware configuration after the fact is unmatched by literally anybody.

June 14, 2024
Ethan Black

Working on something special....

June 14, 2024
Ethan Black

Just reported a #YouTube side-pane ad for a "seductive" see-through swimsuit. We'll see how long it takes for Google to not take it down.

June 05, 2024
golemwire shared a status by royal

Samsung forces repair stores to destroy customer smartphones, iFixit ends cooperation - News

May 31, 2024
golemwire shared a status by royal

Why don't we have standard Terms of Service that are used and reused everywhere?
I'm imagining a small number of flavors of ToS, not owned by the service providers that have us click through, but owned by trusted nonprofits and public service agencies and reused by service providers.

I'm thinking of Creative Commons-like agreements, but business agreements about providing a service, not just about licensing creative works.

Then, have the company that's implementing it customize the ToS by filling in a few fields at the start: their corporate name and address, how to contact their ombudsman, list of officers, something like that.

#intellectualProperty #intellectualPropertyLaw #clickThrough #TOS #termsofuse #licensing #saas #paas #softwareLicensing #software

May 31, 2024
Ethan Black
May 31, 2024
Ethan Black

Interesting, the terms of use that #Respondus #LockDownBrowser shows you before a test is different from the one on their website. The website one is last updated on January 2022, and the one that LockDown Browser shows you is March 2024. Notably the latest one has an #arbitration section and the older one doesn't.

May 31, 2024
Ethan Black

Second time trying to set up a Matrix chat server, and geez what a bad experience. The job isn't done until documentation is written.... Maybe I somehow missed their server documentation? I couldn't find any documentation for setting up a server, on Maybe they don't have an implementation. I thought they made Synapse.

May 25, 2024