New Post:- I finally finished reading a book…
@JackTheCat Careful with your thumbs this festive season 🤭
New Post:- I finally finished reading a book…
@nixCraft BASIC,why? It was built into the ZX Spectrum 48K
@multiverseofbadness Sorry but that doesn't work on me all I have to do is think about Metallica - (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth and all unwanted ear-worms run away :-)
Thanks to @_elena I have discovered It. is. AWESOME!
Before discord there was IRC and we have always been unhinged...
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon I'm going with Cher
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon bed knobs and broomsticks.
I have a conjecture about Mastodon¹ users. Have you heard of xkcd? Boost for a large convenience sample.
¹ Since a few people asked, yes, you may also vote if you're elsewhere on the fediverse and whatever² you're using allows votes.
² I'm unsure what is/isn't fediverse. It's broader than services using ActivityPub, for example, but how broad? A fuller question on the topic is here
@ThePlant Consider Jellyfin