Obbie King

Today's Calvin and Hobbes, written in the nineties for urbanists of today...

April 26, 2023
Obbie King

"Windows were broken in Port Isabel, Texas, 6 miles away from the site. And the surrounding area has been covered with a layer of dust, grime and debris.

"...In some areas, including the rural county where I live, it can take months or even years for homeowners to get a permit to build a garage for their car. But apparently it is permissible for a billionaire to pollute a small city and to cause a number of native species to flee..."


April 25, 2023
Obbie King

Wouldn't it be a hoot if Faux Neus hired Don Lemon to fill the time slot vacated by Schmucker Carlson?

April 25, 2023
Obbie King

Both sentences are oversimplified, and leaving out important details of their respective cases in a way that exploits simple minds.

Nice try, but I'm not buying it.

April 25, 2023
Obbie King

This story makes my blood boil. The EPA's own studies confirm that dicamba is a Big Problem, yet they still haven't banned it.

It's made to be used on GMO soy and cotton. But nearby farmers (up to a mile away) with organic and non-GMO crops are getting their entire crops destroyed. And anyone exposed to this stuff risks deadly disease.

It's "another example of the agency 'treating the pesticide industry not as regulated companies, but as clients.'”


April 24, 2023
Obbie King

Young farmers want to grow healthy food, but the land was all gobbled up by Big Money. This. Is. Wrong.

"Since the 2008 financial crisis, insurance companies, hedge fund managers and developers increasingly saw agricultural land as a stable investment with high returns... They started buying farmland at prices the average farmer couldn’t compete with... These investments... have helped contribute to a 75% rise in cropland price over the last 15 years."


April 22, 2023
Obbie King

High water in La Crosse. They say it could rise another foot or two by next week.

April 21, 2023
Obbie King

New entry under "euphemisms for a f***-up":

"accidental discharge of aviation ammunition" ... means "dropped a bomb on our own town."

April 21, 2023
Obbie King

Watching this video feels dystopian. The rocket swerves around like a kite. A close up shot of the engines shows that they're not all burning. And then, the cheers and grins after the whole thing blows up... er, excuse me... undergoes a RAPID UNSCHEDULED DISASSEMBLY.


April 20, 2023
Obbie King

I'v been musing on this for years...

April 20, 2023
Obbie King

It's made of stainless steel (much heavier than other rocket materials), uses methane for fuel (much heavier than hydrogen), and has 33 engines (reports vary between 33 and 39).

What could go wrong?

A "rapid unscheduled disassembly" 😂😂😂


April 20, 2023
Obbie King

Happy 420 day, for all who celebrate.

April 20, 2023
Obbie King

In a live-action Simpsons movie, Rupert Murdoch should be cast as Montgomery Burns.

April 20, 2023
Obbie King

When I lived at a southern California commune in the 1980's, I sent my family a VHS tape containing some of the teevee coverage we were getting. I recently found that tape, and digitized the contents to share with the world.

The quality is dodgy and there are lots of glitches (what do you expect from a 35 year old VHS tape?), but it effectively documents where I was living and the cause I was pursuing during a significant period of my life.


April 19, 2023