Obbie King

Someone said it looks like a maxi pad. I wouldn't know, but see the inevitable craziness in the first reply... #orangeDipshit

July 17, 2024
Obbie King

The framing of this story and the headline are kinda bogus. A closer read shows that Van Ornery pushed a Code Pink protester out of his way, and then accused HER of assault.

Given Van Ornery's past record of mean-spirited attacks on people minding their own business, I'm inclined to believe Code Pink.

July 17, 2024
Obbie King

Nine billion dollars. To increase capacity at *ONE* airport.

That same money could pay for a LOT of miles of high-speed track, with enough left over for some styling trains to ride on them.

More #trains. Less #planes. Better air. #climate


July 17, 2024
Obbie King

@btpanko In other news, Vance makes a convincing argument for year-round DST. ;)

July 16, 2024
Obbie King

If Special Prosecutors are now "illegitimate," then shouldn't the indictments/convictions of Hunter Biden also be thrown out?

July 15, 2024
Obbie King

How the right-whinge gaslights and bullshits:

People who can lip-read much better than I are saying that what the media reports as "fight! fight! fight!" was actually "fuck you! fuck you! fuck you!"

July 15, 2024
Obbie King

Whats-his-name "gave $15 to Progressive Turnout Project, a Democratic-aligned political action committee, on Inauguration Day in January 2021, when [he] was 17." (per CNN)

To say that he "donated to ActBlue" is lazy journalism. That's like saying my purchase of cat food was "giving money to MasterCard."

ActBlue is a conduit to other organizations. It is NOT the destination for donations.

July 15, 2024
Obbie King

@GregArcus "I don't know if those tracks still exist in some form."

I believe they do. They were in the midst of upgrading the tracks for highspeed rail in the late '00's. But then Scott Wanker got elected and shut it all down at great expense to taxpayers (state was under contract, so we had to pay tens of millions of $$ to get absolutely nothing).

July 12, 2024
Obbie King

"We're once again on the cusp of getting Madison connected to the rest of the country via passenger rail. Let's not drop the ball this time. The Borealis is telling us it will work."

C'mon Madison! Git'r'done! #Madison #Amtrak #trains

July 12, 2024
Obbie King

Defying the judge's order to allow defense lawyers to visit the "crime scene".

Destruction of evidence.

Emails between defendants and their attorneys shared with the police...

The prosecution in the #CopCity case is out of control. This case must be dismissed, all defendants must be released, and the persecutors must be severely sanctioned (disbarment seems too gentle of a sanction in this case).

July 08, 2024
Obbie King

Dear #election gods:

Now do France. Then do the USA. Please purge the planet of these right-whinge fascists.

July 05, 2024